
Reviews 27
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 144
Album Ratings 9708
Objectivity 87%

Last Active 12-19-22 9:35 pm
Joined 06-08-18

Review Comments 15,176

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  • zakalwe That new Arab Strap is absolutely ****ing incredible.
    June 6 11:38 PM
  • zakalwe Looks younger than me mate! Not a bad tune that.
    June 6 02:39 PM
  • zakalwe The latest Palace and Villagers albums are worth a listen. The Palace one is the sort of thing that requires a few listens otherwise it will be written off as vanilla indie s***e but it definitely isnt
    June 2 10:44 AM
  • zakalwe Tindersticks seem to churn em out. I will give The The a listen for a laugh when it?s released
    June 2 08:19 AM
  • zakalwe Richards Hawley and Thompson have delivered some blinders
    June 1 04:13 PM
  • bighubbabuddha shame you didn't vibe with new Thou, it's my AOTY :D
    May 31 05:03 PM
  • bighubbabuddha do you have high hopes for the new The The. I enjoyed the new single :)
    May 21 08:09 AM
  • Futures yeah i think the albums standout moments were some of the builds and explosions. working in riffs over the electronic stuff was so sweet. figured philo would be worth checking out! excited to jam that.
    May 18 05:49 AM
  • Futures yeah def need more listens on this while reading along. love the storytelling vocal delivery. i do like the touches of slowcore, any of their other albums that are a bit heavy on that?
    May 18 05:40 AM
  • Futures really loving this arab strap album man. there probably are bands doing this style but it really is something i haven't heard before. eclectic mix of genres.
    May 18 05:26 AM
  • Mort. just saw you listened to Aimee Mann - 'im with stupid' earlier this year. any thoughts on it? im quite a fan and was just checking to see if there was a review, might write one. also any plans on doing another deep dive?
    May 17 10:38 PM
  • Hawks Yes indeed lol. I feel it bro. The Filth isn't the easiest to get into lol.
    May 15 08:30 PM
  • Hawks Excuse me sir......but a 2.5 for my fav album of all time???? Idk if we can be pals anymore LMAO. JK ILY.
    May 15 04:40 PM
  • zakalwe Haha. Rotterdam and Dont Marry Her are two absolute classic songs. Good memories attached with the album. A bloody good band.
    May 15 09:23 AM
  • zakalwe I never was but definitely stick with him.
    May 6 02:21 PM
  • zakalwe Four losses on the bounce and s***. Oh well theres always next season
    May 5 08:58 PM
  • zakalwe I will always stick Ten and Vs on. I have Vs on vinyl but have not properly listened to a Pearl Jam release since Yield. Just Breathe from Backspacer is one of their best tunes everything and I cant recall anything else. I will give the new one a go eventually though.
    April 23 02:45 PM
  • zakalwe Gunship. lol. Weird I gave the last one they did a go over the weekend out of morbid curiosity it wasn?t as bad a I thought it was going to be.
    April 22 02:25 PM
  • zakalwe New one by Fontaines DC is incredible.
    April 22 01:53 PM
  • neekafat ah that sounds about right, not sure I could stomach it all at once
    April 15 07:06 AM
  • neekafat i remember hearing 50 song memoir years ago and being unimpressed, I loved "The Dreaming Moon" off of Get Lost but the rest of the album was disappointing. wanna be a completionist but can't imagine listening to 69 songs of theirs in a row
    April 14 08:23 PM
  • neekafat christ is any magnetic fields worth persuing
    April 13 07:00 AM
  • Futures i love oxymoron personally. q at his most aggressive and hard hitting. beats fit with his style perfectly, i think the harder stuff is where he shines. habits is also an awesome album but i haven't heard it in a while. would be curious on your thoughts if you get around to them!
    April 9 10:11 PM
  • Futures lol right there's probably what like maybe 50 active posters now? i'll be around as long as that hamster keeps the wheel running. but yeah crash talk was so bad it really made me doubt if he had it in him. what's your favorite album of his?
    April 9 09:50 PM
  • Futures nice to hear, hope life is treating you well. yeah man i feel that hard. went through a long hiatus and didn't jam music like at all besides old favs. it's nice to chat with people here. and yes that album is great! q's style has always really resonated with me. not quite trap, not quite jazz or abstract just him. love the variety. fun stuff!
    April 9 09:30 PM
  • Futures great picture of you and your kid man. glad you're still kicking around here.
    April 9 06:11 PM
  • Hawks So much fun. Dude kinda reminds me of Danny Brown a bit with his delivery but also way more varied. Production is so damn good too. Love it lol.
    April 9 03:38 PM
  • Hawks That ****ing Prof album might really be a 5 lmao. The best new rap album I've heard since ASAP Rocky's first mixtape tbh.
    April 9 05:23 AM
  • Sowing Feel free to loop me in on the next upload. Sorry for the delayed response!
    March 29 10:12 AM
  • Sowing It's not broken for me, but I can't rule out a usergroup issue. If you add one in the near future let me know. Last I was aware, lots of users had issues updating existing art but didn't experience issues with new album uploads. Also, be sure they're jpg and less than 500 by 500, 200kb or smaller.
    March 29 09:34 AM
  • JesperL fingers crossed there's no expanded edition with expanded album art lmfao
    March 26 09:22 AM
    March 25 07:55 PM
  • anat van houten - the tallest room really lovely sunny shoegaze, with a particularly cracking closer
    March 24 01:21 PM
  • AmericanFlagAsh Idk who that is! Good?
    March 21 02:38 PM
  • anat had no idea he had a new one, but that?s a very intriguing byline from yourself!
    March 19 02:10 PM
  • bighubbabuddha poor doofy
    March 17 05:19 PM
  • budgie thanks doof, it tasted great, now i'm sitting on you and you can't breathe, *doof spasms trying to escape* there's no escape from my rolls of hubba fat
    March 17 04:30 PM
  • budgie *Budg sits on doof and farts* Budg ate a chicken madras last nite, meaty and creamy fart smells enter doof's nostrils
    March 17 04:29 PM
  • Hawks Check my newest review bro. Could be something you'd be interested in. :]
    March 17 08:18 AM
  • Hawks My thoughts exactly! And yeah idk people loved tbt back in the day lol.
    March 13 02:45 PM
  • Hawks Gonna jam Under the Western Freeway tonight and probably write something up for it too. The current review blowz and is too old its a ****ing tbt lol.
    March 12 11:14 PM
  • anat he?s impressively the easiest of easy listening, still miss some of the bite from greatest comedian tho
    March 8 10:27 AM
  • bighubbabuddha I would throw Sleaford Mods into that bucket but I will say they are at least a bit more honest in how they represent their project
    March 7 01:28 PM
  • Gyromania Yoooo thanks Doof! I still stick around here mostly to talk to you, Johnny and a few others, but yeah RYM has rly won me over after I looked into it further. As a person who compulsively rates everything in his life (legit I think I have some kind of fkn problem lmao), I rly want to log my favourite songs and keep track of them. Will check that second link you sent in a bit
    March 7 12:41 PM
  • bighubbabuddha yeah Yard Act suck, edgy class-conscious hipster smuck
    March 7 11:39 AM
  • Hawks Absolutely bro. Gonna jam their whole discog.
    March 5 09:14 PM
  • zakalwe That Yard Act sound off sums up the last 25yrs of music
    March 1 05:43 PM
  • zakalwe Love it
    February 28 08:06 AM
  • zakalwe That Saint Etienne Home Counties rating is understandable but undeserved. Bump it for the sake of Basildon!!!
    February 27 11:31 PM
  • Hawks Will get on them asap!!
    February 25 08:07 AM
  • Hawks I have honestly never jammed Lustmord. Gonna have to change that soon.
    February 25 12:18 AM
  • Hawks Tried out that Anna and Elizabeth album. Not my thing tbh lol. Gonna try the Hans Chew album next. I see you dig The Quiet Divide also, NICE!
    February 24 06:15 PM
  • Hawks **** I knew that lmao. Let me know what you think of Black Swan. Its more dark ambient but the atmosphere is so suffocating in a good way.
    February 23 09:07 AM
  • Hawks Will definitely have to get on that. If you're getting into ambient more then plz make sure you hear The Quiet Divide by Black Swan and the s/t by The Dead Texan. Both are essential.
    February 23 08:51 AM
  • Hawks About to turn that Harp album on now. Idk what it is but I've been loving relaxing music like this lately. Was binging ambient for like all of January lol.
    February 23 08:40 AM
  • Hawks You are the man!!! I will jam all of them. Yeah been trying to get more familiar with genres I've always dug but never really done a deep dive. I knew you wouldn't disappoint!
    February 23 08:33 AM
  • Hawks Hi buddy would u mind giving me a few good modern folk, indie folk, americana and/or psychedelic recs??? :]
    February 23 04:50 AM
  • bighubbabuddha DoofDoof, you are loved
    February 17 12:37 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell who is the dummy it is me
    February 15 07:47 PM
  • Mort. just saw your soundoff for the last dinner party lol. accurate rating for a completely forgettable band as well. NME overhype typified
    February 5 11:47 PM
  • zakalwe Saw him live in 1995. Save the Whale
    February 1 05:30 PM
  • zakalwe Lovely stuff mate. John Shuttleworth classic.
    February 1 03:02 PM
  • zakalwe Tindersticks are the bollocks aren?t they. Continually being played at the moment.
    January 30 02:00 PM
  • zakalwe Yeah it is one of the best things I have seen in years. Right up there with the greats. Gives some perspective as well when the s*** hits fan it really could be worse. Coming out a coma and tucking into your mums kneecap for breakfast just before an avalanche hits.
    January 28 09:23 PM
  • anat I?m sure you?ll be surprised, whether pleasantly or not is another matter ;-) hoping for a first half of 2024 release, I need to get it out for my own sanity at this point, it?s about 3 years in the making at this point
    January 26 05:55 PM
  • anat I can?t really put a badge on what I want to listen to these days, I spend more time working on my own stuff so my listening has admittedly taken a backseat at least until the next album is done. But today was certainly a disappointing release day, didn?t gel with the Future Islands or Smile at all
    January 26 02:34 PM
  • anat My impression is that they?re trying some kind of concept album that hearkens back to mid 00s indie, but that?s best case scenario, and even then it just doesn?t work because the songs are actively horrendous to listen to - such a shame because I loved the debut
    January 26 12:56 PM
  • zakalwe Black Grape releasing albums in 2024. You have to laugh.
    January 21 08:49 AM
  • Gyromania Haha yeah idk why I even bother man, I should just only engage a few people on this site whom I actually enjoy discussing stuff with and ignore everyone else. The logic behind some of the arguments on here, ugh
    January 19 06:54 PM
  • bighubbabuddha thanks doof, have a great day/evening :)
    January 19 03:56 PM
  • bighubbabuddha I'm well, you? I was just interested to see what you thought of my 5s and 4.5s? You have great taste.
    January 19 12:39 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Hey doofy
    January 19 12:04 PM
  • Dewinged Doofus try Brown Horse - Reservoir for this week, that might be up your alley.
    January 19 09:37 AM
  • zakalwe Yeah that is a classic. There?s nothing as rich and luxuriant on Lowedges but as an album it?s more instant more of an enjoyable whole.
    January 11 02:01 PM
  • zakalwe An amazing album further cemented by some recent memories associated with it. I would take it over everything else he has done apart from Coles Corner and even then would be very hard pressed and possibly sacrifice that as well.
    January 11 01:53 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell did not expect a Pyg 5 (though unsurprised to see it's where your Slowdive bias falls)
    January 8 02:50 PM
  • Sowing Eh, screw it. Downloaded it and dibbed it to review because I know I'll love it ;-)Thanks for the heads up.
    December 27 08:04 PM
  • Sowing Awesome news. It says the release date is 12/15 but it isn't streamable so that's odd. How did you hear it? Will purchase either way, most likely.
    December 27 07:29 PM
  • DadKungFu Doof, I think the new John Francis Flynn would be v much b your thing if you've got the time
    December 10 12:17 PM
  • zakalwe The bloody hell is that. Good album title though.
    December 8 09:37 AM
  • Gyromania Still working my way through your recs - got pretty sick the last week so I?ve been moving slowly lol. Def gonna move that Midlake solo singer album to the top of my queue.
    December 6 10:48 PM
  • zakalwe They are all hard hitters. An amazing album.
    December 6 07:23 PM
  • zakalwe I DES is ****ing incredible. Unbelievable.
    December 5 10:50 PM
  • zakalwe Love the King Creosote one. 2023 has been a bloody good year
    December 4 06:07 PM
  • zakalwe Will get on it mate. Need to hear the King Creosote new one as well but just letting the Peter Gabriel find its place at the minute. Outstanding record.
    December 2 07:20 AM
  • zakalwe Haven?t gone near the fella since Hardest away To Make an Easy Living.
    November 16 02:54 PM
  • zakalwe Yeah that Bathers album is quality. Started listening to the Sufjan one and ****ed it off. It has been a good year some very memorable albums im going with Chemical Brothers it was a massive surprise and every tune is a blinder despite you ruining it with Orangina lol
    November 16 01:39 PM
  • zakalwe That is what it?s all about mate. What are you having as album of the year?
    November 16 01:25 PM
  • Gyromania Yo thanks for the heads up man! I was actually considering checking their other stuff so that's good to know. Rly digging Sirenesque - one of those albums that gets better the more I play it. Still gotta check out your other recs too
    November 16 01:23 PM
  • zakalwe It?s better for what it does than what it actually is. The complete package with the story, wry humour and characters is a clear labour of love and a piss take. Essential.
    November 16 12:58 PM
  • zakalwe Always been a fantasy nerd ever since I picked up the Warlock of Firetop Mountain in 1986 at a charity shop. Now that was a life changer.
    November 15 04:47 PM
  • zakalwe Haha I tell you what I stuck it on the other week and listened to it over the course of two days. Nothing else just that album and it was quality. Sort of thing that if I?d have listened to it when I was 10 years old it would have been a life changer.
    November 14 09:40 PM
  • Gyromania That King Creosote album is so beautiful. Shame it won?t receive any attention here. Anything else you?d be able to rec from 2023? I?ve listened to practically nothing from this year haha
    November 10 10:52 PM
  • zakalwe That PJ Harvey one has really stuck its claws in. Folky witchy Elvis Presley prattle top ten of the year.
    November 1 11:33 AM
  • zakalwe Jesus. That Ground Zero album is ****ing s***e
    November 1 11:15 AM
  • theBoneyKing Nice, thought you might like it. They are definitely one of the best atmospheric folk artists right now, this new one is a very nice immersive experience.
    October 23 03:20 PM
  • zakalwe Mate. They are 80. Is it AI and produced jiggery pokery. Possibly but if there was ever a case whack it in for the old guard
    October 21 06:18 PM
  • zakalwe **** me that Stones album is a breath of fresh air. If that aint ironic I dont know what is
    October 21 08:43 AM
  • AmericanFlagAsh Oh nice, noted, will check Infected!
    October 18 05:45 PM
  • fogza Lol I was kidding, I think we've all seen much worse
    October 13 05:04 AM
  • bighubbabuddha DoofDoof, you are kinder than you know dude.
    October 9 05:33 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Good user, have a cookie
    October 8 07:40 AM
  • zakalwe Lovely stuff. Bang on for the Heros Death write up. The ?maturity klaxon? may actually do the band favours on skinty fia quality band
    October 3 01:20 PM
  • zakalwe Sounds quality I will definitely move onto it. Love the defeated trudge of it.
    October 3 12:57 PM
  • zakalwe You recommended Fontaines DCs A Hero?s Death a couple of years ago and I?ve only now started to get stuck in. ****ing amazing album.
    October 3 11:58 AM
  • zakalwe A quality selection of indisputable classics.
    September 24 04:17 PM
  • zakalwe Bloody good game. I cannot believe Waltzing Matilda has sorted us out.
    September 24 03:05 PM
  • Ryus yeah i just got into him pretty recently, a lot of his 60s and 70s stuff is amazing. phases and stages is my favorite by him but red headed stranger is almost as good, definitely give it a check
    September 22 07:42 PM
  • Ryus nice phases and stages rating
    September 22 06:59 PM
  • zakalwe Went to see Matthew Halsall at the Albert Hall last night. Was quality. First Act was tranquil laid back stuff, second act was drum solos and all sorts. Lovely light show as well. A few proper jazz wankers in the crowd to take the piss out of as well and amuse myself.
    September 22 07:05 AM
  • zakalwe Haha for **** sake
    September 12 10:03 PM
  • zakalwe Haha. Well thats that ruined then
    September 12 09:13 PM
  • zakalwe First 5 dished out since 2021 and it goes to the Chemical Bros new one which is absolutely ****ing incredible I see you?ve 3d it lol
    September 12 06:36 PM
  • zakalwe Yeah the Matthew Halsall one is pick of the bunch for me. Absolutely love that bloke.
    September 11 06:35 PM
  • zakalwe As God awful as Big Hammer is the James Blake album is a surprising good un. Some class new releases in the last week.
    September 11 09:40 AM
  • Pheromone haha thanks, yeah it's a good'n - someone on rym referred to it at FTIL meets blue jam and I think that hits the nail on the head pretty well
    September 4 09:46 AM
  • Pheromone add the headache album i know u want to
    September 4 09:21 AM
  • Drifter ive had strange kind of love saved for ages on my apple music i guess i finally need to check it based on your 5!
    August 29 04:32 PM
  • zakalwe Listening now. Very promising.
    August 21 02:22 PM
  • zakalwe I highly recommend Kinobe Over The Horizon a very laid back airy Air Moon Safari. Very safe very lite and offers nothing new whatsoever but it?s a bloody pleasant listen on a summers evening.
    August 17 01:16 PM
  • zakalwe Morning mate. Yeah not good is it. A real music aficionado and a bloody good bloke.
    August 16 08:35 AM
  • zakalwe The **** is limpid as the solitudes
    August 1 05:13 PM
  • zakalwe Good lad. Was that you who has added it to the database or was it always there. There were so many of them type of compilations released back in the day it was ridiculous but that one has always stood out.
    August 1 05:12 PM
  • zakalwe Haha. Yep been decades but it is impossible to shake the image of some pony tailed northern fella with a tache doing a set with a pair of goalie gloves on. The Robert Miles mix is a bit more full on but has some absolute classic tunes on it.
    August 1 02:34 PM
  • anat I?m actually not all that familiar with it - always been a fan of hope there?s someone, but only given it a full spin on the back of the new one
    July 21 04:29 AM
  • zakalwe Haha. The diabolical bitch
    July 20 11:22 AM
  • Complete madness to me mate but as you say politeness over all
    July 11 05:56 PM
  • zakalwe Watch ya mate. The sound off was taking the piss out of the other one that is up for it but it is a good album.
    July 11 12:09 PM
  • zakalwe Loving the opening tune but that album title is unforgivable
    June 23 12:06 PM
  • Gyromania so it turns out sigur ros were bigots all along =[ what a ****ing sad day this is
    June 19 09:03 PM
  • anat it?s a shame the new Baxter Dury artwork is so ****ing bad
    June 4 12:02 PM
  • zakalwe The club is in an absolutely farcical state but it could definitely be worse. I don?t know where how or by what means changes will be made but it will happen and unfortunately I don?t see things getting better tbh
    May 21 06:13 PM
  • zakalwe Yep quality isn't it. I have listened to it a lot the last couple of weeks. Definitely provided me with a new ear to listen to Endless Summer which I like a lot more now.
    May 21 05:20 PM
  • budgie hopefully !
    April 28 06:37 PM
  • budgie
    April 28 06:07 PM
  • budgie thnks
    March 15 06:34 AM
  • zakalwe Feeling rough as **** at the minute with the old sniffles and sore throat. Will give the Mods a spin when I?m back fighting fit. Have a good one at the football mate. 3 one to us.
    March 11 09:53 AM
  • robertsona Thanks for rating the new Godcaster. They?re cool people, always around. #AProperBrooklynThankYou
    March 10 11:52 AM
  • markjamie Thanks. I will check those two next.
    March 10 07:30 AM
  • markjamie Hey, I've just discovered Sleaford Mods and really like the new album. I want to explore more but they just have so many. I noticed you seem to have listened to most (if not all). Any recommendations on where to head next? I like the more melodic stuff on UK Grim. Also, I think when I started posting here I gave you a hard time about your Janelle Monáe review... sorry about that.
    March 10 07:06 AM
  • zakalwe Piss poor yet again
    March 8 10:06 PM
  • zakalwe Will give it a go mate. I thought the debut was decent but haven?t heard it since it came out. You heard the Hi-Vis album Blending. I think you might have mentioned them last year or seen them live or something. Not bad at all.
    March 1 03:11 PM
  • budgie zelma stone - the best
    March 1 09:59 AM
  • zakalwe Haha. Yep that line does stick out doesn?t it. Good old Jason
    February 22 04:42 PM
  • zakalwe I was going to message you something along the same lines. Great isn?t it. That and the James Yorkston album have been a lovely start to the year.
    February 11 02:34 PM
  • zakalwe Grim mate
    January 20 04:37 PM
  • zakalwe Been like that for decades mate. We sell to the Arabs it?s the end of the game for me.
    January 15 05:45 PM
  • zakalwe Gaz Coombes for me. Underrated solo output by the fella.
    January 13 05:37 PM
  • zakalwe Jesus your rym profile is mental. How many ratings lol. I do like your concentrated listening album of the week though.
    January 13 04:37 PM
  • zakalwe I keep meaning to invest some time in the Michael Head album but I keep by passing it. The Elbow one is a modern masterpiece. Love it. As for the local yeah there?s one about 15 minutes walk away it?s alright. There?s a really nice one a bit closer but it?s one of those pub restaurant things that really grip my s***
    January 8 08:10 PM
  • zakalwe Let it be known that on the 9th Jan 2023 my local is no more and will be flats. My local record shop would have served solace but nope that is going as well. Elbow Flying Dream 1 is also possibly the greatest album of all time.Happy New Year Mate.
    January 7 08:36 PM
  • robertsona well, no rush from me. annette's lil baby coo is great. think andrew got worse as a singer since 2017 but oh well
    January 3 02:02 PM
  • robertsona sick! I kind of think it's split--but Aqua Gorilla SO strong, might be my SOTY, and tracks 3 and 5 rippers too. they're cool seem fun live, as per usual. check Spooky Cool for something "completely different", but know ur a busy man
    January 3 01:51 PM
  • robertsona Would be curious on Goodfight - Goodfight
    December 28 12:08 AM
  • zakalwe It?s a bit vast innit.
    December 15 11:36 AM
  • zakalwe Love the Leftfield tune with the oirish fella.
    December 5 02:47 PM
  • zakalwe Some absolute random who has never won the thing and upto the 21st century were complete bobbins.
    November 29 09:02 AM
  • zakalwe I had the false hope for the USA game thinking we were going to smash them to boost our confidence and tie up the group without too much stress but nope. Typical England. Luckily the Wales game isn?t too much of a prob because we stuffed Iran but Christ that US game was painful. Brazil are ropey. Won?t win it.
    November 28 11:06 PM
  • zakalwe Evening mate. Thoughts on the World Cup and our chances?
    November 28 08:46 PM
  • zakalwe lol
    October 31 05:54 PM
  • zakalwe Jesus how is the luck. What were you eating?
    October 31 03:35 PM
  • zakalwe I dipped into it yesterday and was impressed. There is a bit of fight in them which comes across as genuine.
    October 22 10:40 AM
  • zakalwe Loved it mate. Will require further listens lyrics are class
    October 21 08:17 PM
  • Sunnyvale I'll have to check it, thanks Doof!
    October 21 12:18 PM
  • zakalwe Good old paddy will give it a whirl after the Arctic Monkeys which on first impression is not as good as base hotel.
    October 21 09:57 AM
  • zakalwe We were dramatically off the pace weren?t we. Toughie against Newcastle then hopefully you will get to see us smash Sporting.
    October 20 01:56 PM
  • zakalwe Big game tomorrow as well. Utd are so unbelievably s***e it should be a win but reckon it will be a draw.
    October 18 07:38 PM
  • zakalwe Callahan has not been immediate. Far too dry. Definitely something there though. Opener is class.
    October 18 05:14 PM
  • Sowing Why does that name sound so familiar? I always check your recs, so I'll be sure to get to this one as well.
    October 16 12:14 AM
  • zakalwe Nice will give it a whirl tomorrow mate. Seems ideal Sunday listening. Off to see Tottenham. Come On You Spurs!!
    October 15 12:19 PM
  • zakalwe Very listenable. The wife enjoys it I can dig it
    October 12 03:56 PM
  • zakalwe Indeed mate although I haven?t heard the bsecond album. Band can hit the 90s alt rock buttons without falling into pastiche or wanky student doodling
    October 3 02:45 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Feel like that one could be a keeper - Your Guiding Hand is definitely going in a few playlists
    October 2 09:18 PM
  • Gyromania Lmao
    September 30 03:08 PM
  • zakalwe Morning mate. Lads holiday to Iceland sounds ****ing amazing and ****ing expensive. Have a good one. Suede album keeps getting better im listening now as it happens and absolutely love it. From That Boy On The Stage to the end its top drawer
    September 21 07:54 AM
  • zakalwe The Blue Hour is an absolute belter as well but I see you have binned that. Definitely deserves another go. Cold Hands and Life is Golden are ****ing amazing tunes.
    September 19 12:10 PM
  • zakalwe It?s my album of the year mate. Now Brett has toned down the fudgery his vocals pack more of a punch.
    September 18 09:11 PM
  • zakalwe Haha. I did exactly the same and thought Jesus they have definitely bettered themselves on the latest one. And yep it is a more subtle, stripped less louche/French Moon Safari.
    September 15 06:58 AM
  • zakalwe I definitely prefer it to the early stuff. It floats by in the best way possible.
    September 14 07:16 AM
  • zakalwe Good lad. Up is a phenomenal album. Not one that gets played a lot but when it does it is bloody amazing. The Saint Etienne one is very simple beats and samples but is just very very pleasant short and sweet.
    September 11 12:46 PM
  • zakalwe Thinking of slapping a 5 on last years Saint Etienne album. Don?t laugh it is a really lovely listen. Background music perfected.
    September 11 12:27 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell your ballot or your LIFE
    September 5 05:52 PM
  • pizzamachine Facts, srsly though doofdoof genius
    August 28 06:59 PM
  • pizzamachine Im never gonna get tired of your user name
    August 28 06:47 PM
  • Sowing OK the panda bear sonic boom collab is already growing on me. 'Livin in the After' is such a good time.
    August 13 11:30 AM
  • Gyromania Yo succession gets a lot better, I'm glad I stuck with it. I think the second ep was a pregnant pause and the third stuttered a bit too but now that I've familiarized myself with the characters and their conflicts, I like it much much more. Tom is actually hilarious and I like how the comedy isn't manufactured, it feels very context-appropriate. Hoping it continues getting even better (on ep 7 atm). Also starting The Wire tn after my lady and I check out that new EP of Saul
    August 2 10:29 PM
  • Gyromania Oh, question: does succession get better? I'm watching it rn actually and I just finished ep 4, feeling pretty close to giving up on it. It seems solid enough, certainly not a bad show, I just question how much steam it really has
    July 31 07:18 PM
  • Gyromania Noice, bookmarked this to go back to it, thanks eh. Your top 20 is solid far as I can tell but it's got a decent bit of content I've yet to watch. I rly need to jump on sopranos and the wire, looks like I'll be adding justified to the list of things to watch soon too. It's cool to see peaky blinders in your top 20. I feel like the final season was a bit of a letdown but overall superb show. I can also get behind BCS ahead of BB. Six Feet Under was great but it's been like a decade since I watche
    July 31 07:17 PM
  • zakalwe Fair play. Couldn?t imagine them without Keith. Maxim do the vocals for Firestarter?
    July 24 03:22 PM
  • zakalwe Yeah. I missed a bit of the pixies but they were great. Odd setlist from PJ still quality though
    July 9 03:38 PM
  • zakalwe Managed to wrangle a cheap ticket for PJ tonight. Thought **** it. If you are at tonight?s one and I see ya I will get you a pint.
    July 8 11:05 AM
  • JohnnyoftheWell ALSO KNOWN AS DOOF
    June 23 10:06 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell Asian GlowBorn14 June 2001, Seoul, Seoul, South KoreaAlso Known AsGyungwon Shin, Doof gottem
    June 23 08:41 PM
  • anat didn't get around to all of it but yeah what i heard was great. feels like there's an obvious comparison to for those i love but it's still very distinct.
    June 7 07:52 PM
  • zakalwe I tell you something it has surprised me beyond belief. There are some outstanding songs on it. Absolutely love Since I. ****ing amazing. Like you say fair play to them. They have done a superb job in steering themselves in the right direction. The promise of the debut has been realised.
    June 6 04:54 PM
  • Mort. thats fair, can totally understand if theyre just not massively your cup of tea. was just a bit baffled by that 1.5 because they range from great to mediocre for me but never really fall into offensively bad territory even at their most generic
    June 6 01:04 PM
  • zakalwe Superb opening song
    June 6 09:32 AM
  • zakalwe Ha. I will give it a go. I bet its s***e
    June 5 10:40 PM
  • Mort. try their album lula divinia perhaps
    June 5 08:45 PM
  • Mort. explain your shiner starless rating right now sir
    June 5 05:41 PM

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