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04.30.24 Ranking Butthole Surfers Studio stuff 03.22.24 Sputnik’s Sacred Clowns
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Ranking Butthole Surfers Studio stuff

Live stuff, After the Astronaut, whatever else not included cuz I don't have all day. S/T, Cream Corn, and Widowermaker INCLUDED because they're about as important as the full LPs. Johnny inspired me somehow.
109Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"Shit Like That"

What is there to like about this song? It's mediocre rap rock about stuff being kinda shitty while on acid. I'd have a bad trip too if I had to listen to this.

108Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"Intelligent Guy"

The success of "Pepper" on Electriclarryland essentially convinced their label to force Butthole Surfers to rap on most of the tracks of Weird Revolution. Gibby sounds so unenthusiastic on this crappy D-rate rap rock song. I'm going to sound like a broken record for most of the Weird Revolution tracks. But like who is this for? People who are not cool enough for Limp Bizkit?

107Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"The Shame of Life"

The label essentially told the Surfers they needed to write 2 hit singles or they'd hold the album hostage. This is one of those singles. They let Kid Rock write lyrics for this song, because I guess he's a hitmaker? Ew. "There were girls in the back. And there were girls pettin' squirrels. And there were squirrels smokin' crack." More tepid non-edgy. Man this band could be downright shocking on their earlier stuff, and it's like they're still pretending they are? Why pretend? Just make normal radio rock if don't want to be edgy anymore. The backing of all of the Weird Revolution songs are essentially the same too.

106Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"Jet Fighter"

The lyrics are kind of inspired? I mean not REALLY, but unlike the 3 below, there's something to follow. But the melody is trying so hard to be the new "Pepper" and I don't know without the chorus. A jet fighter going to hell feels somehow fake edgy compared to their more typical edgy. Boring music, boring execution of maybe not boring lyrical idea. The band used to be absolutely nuts.

105Butthole Surfers

"Barking Dogs"

Piouhgd is their other bad album, but it's still actually listenable compared to Weird Revolution, so we're already in "I'm not suffering" territory. This is a bonus track and it's like gunshots and dogs barking over some boring guitar FOR SEVEN AND A HALF MINUTES.

104Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution


Aimless noodling and a Chinese vocal line repeated. It's soothing, I'll give it that. Ultimately pointless, though.

103Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"The Last Astronaut" / "The Last Astronaut [Reprise]"

Word salad songs can be really cool when done right, but this just sits there. Why was this the song on the album got the reprise? It hardly hit the first time.

102Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"The Annoying Song"

Pretty sure they wrote this song to be bad on purpose because they thought it'd be funny. Maybe a lot of their work is meant to be that, but I'm dumb enough to like it. This one penetrates though. It's like the fucked up voice from "Jimi" but for the entire song and this time you can't understand what the hell he's saying. The guitar's cool though.

101Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution


God, this album is such an easy punching bag, but I have to admit, they're actually trying on this one! Serious...though just because the hip hop elements on "Pepper" worked doesn't mean they should've kept doing it. The Beck-like organ and roaring bass distract me from the bad rapping!

100Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"Dracula From Houston"

Remember when I said Butthole Surfers were forced to write to "hit singles" or the label would hold their album hostage? Here's the other one and it's a mishmash between nu-metal and a boyband song. Sounds like a terrible idea, right? Man, that guitar riff is so pop, what happened? It's saccharine, it's catchy, it's shit.

99Butthole Surfers

"The Lord Is a Monkey"

The rapped song on Electriclarryland that isn't "Pepper." The instrumentation works way more than most of Weird Revolution, but it's essentially an omen of what was to come regardless. The best part of the song is the noisy guitar solo, Butthole Surfers are good at those.

98Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"They Came In"

It's not actually 22 minutes, this is where the hidden track "The Last Astronaut [Reprise]" is found. As for "They Came In" part: the riff is pretty good! Since this is the closer, I'm pretty exhausted when I reach this one and it doesn't really lead anywhere. I know that's normal for even some of their good stuff, but this song is pretty conventional for a song that kinda blandly fades in and out, good riff or not. Sorry!

97Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"The Weird Revolution"

This song sits on a throne of lies. It promises a weird, awesome album. Gibby commandingly tells us the struggle between the normal man and the weirdo man. I could dig this if it wasn't essentially an announcement leading into a mixture of bad pop rap rock, bored vocals and slow psych noodling. Outside of's just an intro. The kind of intro that doesn't stand alone well and what it stands with is, well you know. Broken record.

96Butthole Surfers


This has the same lyrics as the S/T EP's "Something" so why was it recorded again? Ah, the joke here is that it's set to the tune of The Jesus and Mary Chain's "Never Understand." The kind of joke I only really find funny on paper. In practice it's 2 mins of dead air. The original "Something" and the original "Never Understand" are both good songs, but they're like toothpaste and orange juice together.

95Butthole Surfers

"Let's Talk About Cars"

They don't even talk about cars on this song. I love Butthole Surfers, but someone has to tell them that simply having vocals in a foreign language isn't funny or creative. Between this and "Yentel", I don't think they'd agree. It's weird how much they 'mellow solo' on Electriclarryland. Do people like that? Y'know when the Butthole Surfers solo in a chill manner?

94Butthole Surfers

"The Hurdy Gurdy Man"

This was the first song by The Surfers I ever heard. Yeah, even before "Pepper." And you know what? It sucks! They took a Donovan classic and stuttered/echoed the lyrics. Pioughd is filled with this kind of "probably funnier on paper" middling crap. Maybe I'd mind it less if it was an original, but I legitimately can't find a reason to listen this over Donovan's.

93Butthole Surfers
Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis


This song would be a bit higher if Gibby wasn't dry heaving on it. I guess I'm not one to be physically grossed out. The song's structureless and chaotic, so it's not like that's the only thing keeping it from being chaotic. Maybe more thrown together than the rest of Cream Corn.

92Butthole Surfers

"Lonesome Bulldog"

This is kind of funny? I admit I don't think I get the joke. Irreverence and randomness is their speciality, but this isn't exactly a fun example of that. Country music about a boy named non-Indian boy named Mahatma Gandhi liking blonde women or something. I don't hate it.

91Butthole Surfers

"Lonesome Bulldog II"

An instrumental reprise of "Lonesome Bulldog" but a little more distorted.

90Butthole Surfers

"Lonesome Bulldog III"

An instrumental reprise of "Lonesome Bulldog II" but a little more distorted.

89Butthole Surfers

"Lonesome Bulldog IV"

An instrumental reprise of "Lonesome Bulldog III" but a little more distorted. Get it? GET IT? Funnier on paper etc etc.

88Butthole Surfers


Sounds more like their 80s stuff than most of Pioughd, but in a "leftovers" kind of way. I don't really go out of my way to hear this one, but yeah it's okay.

87Butthole Surfers

"No, I'm Iron Man"

The better half of "Blindman." Some good chaos that's probably much needed on Pioughd, but at the same time it relies so much on being invested in "Blindman" since they're connected and I'm just not.

86Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician


Reminds me of baa-ing sheep. The back-masking is cool. Not much going on otherwise. The clear lowest point on Locust, but hey it's still kinda cool.
85Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven


This song is absolutely haunting sonically, but also a little boring. I think my biggest issue with it is that it really didn't need to be 6 minutes. Also the production is worse than the rest of the album for some reason...maybe on purpose? And it's named after a fart, but so are higher rated songs by them. They're a gross band, aren't they?

84Butthole Surfers


What if a 'mellow solo' on Electriclarryland was the entire song? It'd be fine right? Yeah, totally fine. Great? No, fine. Oh wait, it picks up! I hate to admit it, but this is the kind of song any band of the mid-90s could've made. The band is too unique for this generic track to be higher.

83Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution


Dumb lyrics, but I can't help but appreciate the gay dance club music vibe. I want someone to cover this, but the original is a bit underwhelming unfortunately. Or is it awesome? Maybe with a bit of tweaking it could've been...or if it was on a better album. I actually want to like this one.

82Butthole Surfers
Weird Revolution

"Get Down"

The best song on Weird Revolution. It's catchy without playing too much into modern pop stereotypes. I mean don't get me wrong, it's not amazing, but when you're sitting through stinky garbage like "Shit Like That" and "The Shame of Life" this is like fresh daises.

81Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon


Another aimless jam type song, but it's more memorable than the ones I've ranked worse. I guess Butthole Surfers have a lot of these. Too many? You be the judge of that fellow fans.

80Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Dancing Fool"

Independent Worm Saloon has a lot of classics, but is still distinctly part of thier "less punk, more hard rocker" era and it leads to very okay songs like this. Space filler song.

79Butthole Surfers
Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis

"To Parter"

Okay, time to confess: I don't like Cream Corn that much. Most of it just sounds like material not good enough for Rembrandt Pussyhorse and this song is a key part of that. Maybe if it had a chorus, or if the vocals didn't seem like such an afterthought. Yeah we're in "good?, but also boring" tier and this is a prime example.

78Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales"

Gibby Haynes helped write "Jesus Built My Hotrod" by Ministry and this is essentially the same song, but more basic. Very much in the same vein of space filler as "Dancing Fool" but a little more fun.

77Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Strangers Die Everyday"

Rembrandt Pussyhorse rules and this is the worst thing on there by far. Haunting organ music, okay and? In context it does help the album keep its "anything can happen" vibe, but by itself is just stagnant. Would be neat in a haunted house. Gotta fill up that runtime!

76Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Eye of the Chicken"

Sounds like a coda to "Concubine" more than its own song. I do like the vocal effects on this one though. Chaos is the goal here and I guess it succeeds at it enough.

75Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon


Same tier as "Dancing Fool" and "Some Dispute Over T-Shirt Sales" but just a tad cooler in its chaos. Stronger chorus, stronger riff, but overall just another hard rocker. The album has better songs for sure.

74Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician


Random notes for 41 seconds. A little aesthetic addition, but I mean come on, that it?

73Butthole Surfers


The lyrics are like a lower effort "Goofy's Concern" but "Goofy's concern is wonderful, so a "we have Goofy's Concern at home" song is gonna be at least decent. Loud hard rocker tier. Okay riff tier. Not just aimless tier.

72Butthole Surfers

"TV Star"

So it's a song about being into Christina Applegate. It's oddly harmless and a well written pop rock track, it's just really not what I want from them I guess. I could see someone loving this one easily though.

71Butthole Surfers

"Ulcer Breakout"

One of their heaviest 90s tracks. It's simple, unchallenging, but decently fun. This would cause moshers to have fun at a live show. Hard rock tier strikes again. Can't wait to leave this's so predictable for what's suppose to be a band that's chaos incarnate.

70Butthole Surfers


Honestly, pretty cool for being on Pioughd. This one was written in the 80s and honestly it really shows. The long form 'psychedelic jam' (what P.S.Y. was original titled) is definitely not bad! I mean it's not amazing, but their instrumental chops are on display here, the vocals are punky and goofy in the way the Gibby excels at. It's probably too long for what it is, but it's such a step up from most of the album, that it works. In an alternate timelime where Pioughd is a great album, I'm complaining that this is the weakpoint or something.

69Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Clean It Up"

Tons of negative points for the shitting and vomiting sounds, positive points for it being a wild and unhinged jam. John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin produced this album. JPJ endorses weird vomit sounds. This is like if "Comb" had way more thought put into it. Devolving into feedback for 3 minutes isn't a bad choice, but I don't know if it's a great one either.

68Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers


Awesome song. Quick, hardcore, to the point. Secretly glad they don't always write songs like this though. Not the most unique thing they have -basic punk. I'd say we're no longer in hard-rock tier. Welcome to uh non-hard rock-tier.

67Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven

"I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas"

Why is this band so obsessed with farting? Lyrics are random, song is like alternative folk rock. It's middling for 80s Surfers, but hey that's a lot better than middling for 90s Surfers! The guitar effect is so Hairway to Steven, both the acoustic and the electric. The album has such a distinct odor, really.

66Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"Sweat Loaf"

Okay, controversial statement, but the best part of this song by far is the spoken intro. That part alone belongs in the top 15! However, once the Sabbath "Sweat Leaf" riffs appear the song it just becomes that run of the mill Surfers punk jam as they repeat the cursed line of "rape of desire" over and over. 4 minutes of that can get a little old, but it's entertaining in a shocking way to say the least. Not the most shocking song on the album, though; that'll come later.

65Butthole Surfers


This is very catchy and drowned in effects. Simple and anthemy with how the backup vocals sing with Gibby. I like the chorus a lot, they're stupid but almost deep? It's like the perfect length too. Nothing too special, but it rocks when it needs to rock.

64Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Mark Says Alright"

This song is all about the bass part. Woozy and oddly chill, It's definitely not the star of the album, but it sets a mood. It probably didn't need to be 4 minutes with how little it progresses, but if you're going to middle, middle groovy!

63Butthole Surfers

"My Brother's Wife"

Electriclarryland desperately needed a WTF track and "Let's Talk About Cars" completely fails. This however? It works. A man being obsessed with his brother's wife and moaning over cool drums is quite the spectacle on an album that's often so stale. He also might be pretending to be masturbating. Yeah, creepy song, but hey that's why people love Butthole Surfers, they push the envelope and don't give a shit.

62Butthole Surfers
Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis

"Moving to Florida"

Random lyrics about famous people, a lethargic guitar line, a stupid lispy voice. This should be so much worse, but it's just so weird together and it kinda jams. Simple, not much else to say about this one.

61Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"In the Cellar"

This is the reprise, not the opener. And wow is it reverby. Disorienting, really! While it's not as good as "Creep in the Cellar" it still seems very necessary. What maybe holds it back from true greatness is that it lives in the shadow of a better version.

60Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Cowboy Bob"

This is probably the most "just a song" that Psychic Powerless has to offer, which definitely isn't a bad thing! Despite dunking on some of their stuff being too plain on previous entries, believe it or not, Gibby, Paul etc. have an ear for good pop song writing. Sure they often rail against it, but they can't stay away from it forever! I Okay, actually this song is still a mess, but a very serviceable mess! With cool psych vocals effects and a thumping bass. We're now in the tier where I mostly say nice things, welcome!

59Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Leave Me Alone"

If you're gonna hard rock, do it right! Really yell, really drown the vocals in syrup, and shred. Can you understand what he's saying? Me either, but who cares? This is Butthole Surfers!

58Butthole Surfers

"Revolution Part 1"

For a mostly bad album, it sure opens well! Immediately iconic guitar line and creepy haunting vocals. It cuts randomly because it's meant to always be paired with "Revolution Part 2", but I won't knock any points off for it being part of a good segue. It sets up an even better song and it does it well.

57Butthole Surfers


Even on their weaker albums, they know how it open it! Roaring, heavy, and loud, and sets up the commercial direction surprisingly well. It's too they couldn't have kept this energy on more of the album. This could have easily been right at home on Independent Worm Saloon.

56Butthole Surfers

"Ah Ha"

Just plain catchy. I bet this could've worked as a single. The guitar riff is nice and drums are roaring. It's definitely more of their commercial work, but hey if they're going to get poppier, this is the way to do it.

55Butthole Surfers

"Golden Showers"

Yeah a song with organ about pissing on someone, sure, very on brand for them. One of the few songs on Pioughd that feels like more than just a space filler or a gimmick. The saxophone is a cool addition and the song isn't afraid to flex those keyboard skills a little.

54Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Butthole Surfer"

It's about telling two different gay men you'll fight them if they come on to you or something? Then hitting on a girl and getting ignored? If it was more focused, maybe it'd be homophobic. But also King Coffey, the drummer, is gay, so uh I don't know, he didn't write it! I mean edgy is their brand. It's surfier than most of their stuff and that's kinda neat.

53Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"You Don't Know Me"

The bass line and lyrics are pretty neat! It has a bit of a country rock vibe too, that's oddly organic for them. I guess they're from Texas, so it that's why. This is the "good ear for pop" kinda thing I was talking about.

52Butthole Surfers
Cream Corn From the Socket of Davis


Cream Corn's best song. I like how it sounds like it's about to fall apart from beginning to end, but never does. The EP is overall not that strong, but this is the closest it gets to proving me wrong. The guitar solo is definitely a shredder.

51Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon


Love the guitar tone, love that percussion. The lyrics don't really matter, they're just there for the cool as hell guitar part to weave in and out and you know what? That's fine by me. It's simple, but effective! (I'm a broken record again, oops.)

50Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"Pittsburgh to Lebanon"

When I was first ranking this discography this was the song that kept moving around the place. I'm still not sure whether this song rules or sucks or is great or is weak, so somewhere in the middle will have to suffice. The vibe of it is wonderful, but the lyrics are kind of boring. It doesn't lead anywhere, but I like what it has to offer. Ultimately good.

49Butthole Surfers


This song is a big one. It goes for the bright twinkly opening riff, and immediately explodes into a heavy uproar. Widowermaker is a very underrated EP, I mean this is the worst song on it and it's a total tour de force! The guitar solo is kind of like a deflating balloon. He keeps asking a preacher and doctor to touch him hah classic.

48Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Gary Floyd"

A punk song dedicated to Gary Floyd of the band Dicks, a band they used to play with when they were first starting. They're famous for that punk standard "Dicks Hate the Police." This song is like a cowpunk romp celebration, what a way to close the album right?

47Butthole Surfers

"Bong Song"

Songtimes labeled as "Bon Song" for some reason. Bong rip sounds, heavy incomprehensible vocal effects, broken noodling, organ...yeah this is 80s Butthole Surfers incarnate, maybe to a safe extent? Reading the incomprehensible lyrics and they're very violent, damn. Like damn, that part about entrails, gross! Good song.

46Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven

"John E. Smoke"

A live song on a studio album? Didn't know they were that kind band, right? A haunting ballad about "the love that's hate that's the hate that's the love." Maybe one of their best clean solo sections, though I suppose their distorted ones are often even better. This song definitely is making fun of stories about religious awakenings told by pastors. Or at least that's what Gibby sounds like he's aping. Just a good ole Southern time.

45Butthole Surfers


I like "Pepper" but it's ridiculous that it's their most famous song. Psychedelic rap rock is not what they're known for or where their strengths lie. There's a certain maturity to this song that seems unnatural for Gibby Haynes. The song makes almost too much sense. Maybe that's why people who don't really like this band will act like its their obvious best. I mean the Indian classical backing, rapping, backmasking, and hip hop production do make for a catchy bop. Average people dying in Texas that Gibby knew in high school. It's really not that deep of a song, but I swear the worst people try to act like it is. Yeah you're right Gibby, you never know how you look through other people's eyes, empathy can be tricky, now go back to singing about drugs and saying nonsense about famous people.

44Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers

"Bar-B-Q Pope"

Who else sings about an assassin attempt on the pope and makes a joke about it? Good thing I'm not religious. The saxophone is neat on this one. Classic alternative guitar style Surfers with weird bird call like shouts, what's not to like?

43Butthole Surfers

"Cough Syrup"

A song about "robotripping" on cough syrup and how it sucks. Well written in a catchy radio way, but maybe the subject matter not being subtle kept it from being a single choice. "If you wanna know the truth you gotta dig up Johnny Booth" is kind of an iconic thing to say haha. Not their most original I guess, but yeah I like it! For an album that's often kind just hard-rocking it, this one pops well!
42Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers

"Revenge of Anus Presley"

Threatening and chaotic, classic 80s Surfers! The guitar and drums don't seem to really follow the vocals at all. Yeah arhythmic punk, complete with broken glass sounds and high pitched warbling. These are complements, I swear.

41Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"Human Cannonball"

This is a love song believe it or not. Or a breakup song to be more specific. Are Butthole Surfers even allowed to be in love? I guess so. Definitely one of their most straightforward songs. Even the riff feels very "upbeat punk breakup song. This song could fool people into thinking they're a normal punk band. Definitely is a good break from the weird if that overwhelms you I guess.

40Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"Graveyard" (the 2nd one)

It's hard to tell the 2 "Graveyard"s apart, but this is probably the worse one? It rules though. I mean listen to those vocals and that guitar, it's what I want from the band typically. Weird, but colorful and creepy, however...

39Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"Graveyard" (the 1st one)

This one's odder than the other one and even creepier (with the deeper vocals,) so it wins the competition between the two. But yeah, they're essentially ranked together.

38Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Waiting for Jimmy to Kick"

Is Jimmy going to die or is he just about to kick something? Who knows, but piano is broken as hell sounding and the mania ever-present. I'm not sure what Gibby is frantically repeating at the end but it sounds like "we need another" but another what? Song leaves me with so many questions, but that's how I like it!

37Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Dog Inside Your Body"

The buildup for this song is awesome. The lyrics are creepy and confusing. Man is that riff good, and don't get me started on the drums. Damn, what made Worm Saloon their only great post 80s album? The fearlessness to get heavy I guess? Okay, maybe we're in "great riff-tier" or something, but I'm okay with that!

36Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"The Wooden Song"

I'm convinced that if they really wanted to be, Butthole Surfers could've been an A+ folk rock band. I mean its undeniable on this song. Don't know what "dancing in ceiling fans" means, but he sounds heartfelt when he says it, so I assume it's something you do when you're sad. Maybe it's a funerary song. If you played this at my funeral, my ghost wouldn't be mad. Emotional weepy guitar solo is a rarity for them, so bask in it!

35Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven


Psychedelic rock in a rather straightforward way. This song feels like such a signification toward a desire to start writing conventional songs. Hairway to Steven had a lot of normal moments, but equally as many weird ones. Maybe a clear example of a transition song for them, but it's great, so I'm not complaining.

34Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Lady Sniff"

Raw guitar, animal sounds, and spitting, what a combo! The pooping sound's gross, I always hate those, but I guess they're unavoidable with a band like this. Love the coarse vocals and that damn good riff. This song is only one step away from the perfect songs, but maybe it's just slightly too pukey sounding.

33Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Chewin' George Lucas' Chocolate"

Maybe one of the funniest "skit songs" I've heard. A cop pulls them over, but let's them go because they convince him that they're eating pop and wants nothing to do with them. Like who thinks of this kind of thing? Clearly it's making fun of cops while also being a weird poop joke...did I mention that John Paul Jones produced this album?

32Butthole Surfers

"The Colored F.B.I. Guy"

Sometimes censored as "1401, this song is is chill as hell. In fact, neither title fits the song. It's about a car accident. I like the guitar in it a lot. Widowermaker is so underrated. Very much on their "alternative" side.

31Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"The Ballad of Naked Man"

A folk song with a pleasant banjo. I guess it's about being naked in the desert. But yeah that banjo is awesome. As I've said: Butthole Surfers could've been an A+ folk rock band. "Naked is always wrong" is such a funny line, like what do you mean? I bet this song would go over well at Burning Man, well if the rich people didn't ruin it a few years ago (or so I've heard.) We're all naked under our clothes anyway.

30Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Whirling Hall of Knives"

I like how the guitar sounds like a razor. I also love the vocals a lot too, very shaky. This song occupies a weird tone where it's intense, but not loud. Burning intensity I think they call it? Who knows. This has mild "sea shanty" vibes too somehow and I guess it's not the only song by them that does. What the hell is a whirling hall of knives anyway?

29Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven

"Fast (Fart Song)"

More farting ,okay. Musically and vocal effect wise, this is probably their most Ween-esque song. Pitched vocals, scuzzy stringy guitar. Pure Guava as hell, really. It comes as quick as it goes, but short songs rule in punk, so good job Surfers!

28Butthole Surfers

"Revolution Part 2"

That's right, Pioughd has 1 classic on it. A strong vocal hook makes this work so much better than everything else on this album. I don't know who Garry Shandling is, but he got totally owned by this song. I want a good punk band to repeatedly shout my name for no reason. What a lucky guy Mr. Shandling is! And that soloing rules. Scuzzy! Are we in scuzzy-tier? What even would scuzzy-tier be? Isn't most Butthole Surfers suzzy-tier? Garry Shandling!

27Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Dust Devil"

Baaaa, who thought sheep sounds could be so evil! And that RIFF my god is it slick. The song is straightforward -it's about a dust devil and getting drunk! John Paul Jones produced this motherfucker. BAAAAAAA. Yeah, that solo rules. Guitar music is good sometimes, especially when it's Paul Leary!

26Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"American Woman"

I have to level with you: I don't care for the original version of this song by The Guess Who. It's cool in a political way, but it's mostly just corny. This version, however, is mad. The crazy high pitched voice, the distorted version of the original solo. The way it sort of gives up being a faithful color to repeat "I don't need your war machines" too many times. This is prime wacky, reckless Surfers and I love it. I mean what even is that weird Casio solo or those drums, it's like an exercise in the destruction of classic rock.

25Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Who Was in My Room Last Night?"

If it weren't for "Pepper", "Who Was in My Room Last Night?" would be their signature song and honestly it deserves it so much more. It's so much more akin. I mean yeah it's more "hard rock" 90s surfers, but it's one of their best ones! He's flying and has no idea who was in his room last night, something something, psychedelic drugs. I guess it's a bad trip thematically. I'm repeating myself again, but this band riffs!

24Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac


Yeah this is like what a mental breakdown sounds like I guess, but in a weird experimental way. What a way to open their best album haha. The bass part is cool too. Dracula is sucking blood and there's a concubine and uh well you know how that goes of course.

23Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers

"Wichita Cathedral"

His voice is so scraggly here, I love it. Guitar is primo like always. Very thumpy! Their first EP is one of their best. Not much else to say about this one, but yeah #23.

22Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Mexican Caravan"

God, why are all of their songs about drugs haha. This ones about buying heroin, I guess lol. And I guess he wants to be Mexican. Damn and his scream's fantastic too. And the shredding. Man, Psychedelic Powerless is so damn good. Nuts energy here.

21Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"22 Going on 23"

Man is this song fucked up. This song makes fun of PTSD, assualt but also hypochondriacs/attention seekers? Butthole Surfers claim the woman calling would make up stories all the time for attention and kept pretending to be different people, but I'm not sure how true that is. I mean she says she's 22, but sounds very old, so maybe they're right. I guess turning it into a punk song and warping it fits their irreverent style. It's super unique to say the least. Great guitar too...maybe they're assholes though that's part of the appeal.

20Butthole Surfers

"Jingle of a Dog's Collar"

Time to send off Electriclarryland. A lot of this album is kind of generic, but it still containers some great pop rock tunes and this is the strongest. Take that "Pepper"! No seriously the chorus on this song is amazing and so is the haunted keys that follow. Apparently it's about heroin again, but I would've never guessed that without Googling. The sleigh bells at the end are neat. Really carries the weight of the rest of the album.

19Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse


So organs and guitars are albazing and there's a bad Australian accent going on about god knows what. And it ends really sadly? Perry's mom died of cancer, he's probably abused, and now Perry has nothing, but damn the singer sounds so happy while stating all of this. Another fucked up song. Between this and "22 Going on 23", we might be in "I feel bad for enjoying this because of the lyrics"-tier, but I also wouldn't change a thing about either.

18Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers

"Shah Sleeps in Lee Harvey's Grave"

Maybe their noisiest song, this song opens the discography shouting about celebrities fucking and being dead. The guitar sounds like the distorted end of a 90s alt rock song, but for the entire song haha. The bragging about being better than god is very funny too.

17Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac


If you didn't think Butthole Surfers were bassy enough, here you go! One of their more multi-sectioned songs, it's one of their most thoughtfully composed. The vocal effects are laid thick here as well giving it that psychedelic glaze. The atmosphere is so great here, truly.

16Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon


I believe this is the oldest Worm Saloon song since it was played live in the 80s, but I'm not sure. It does sound like it'd fit on Hairway to Steven. I like the melody a lot. It's about wanting a girl, but her not wanting you, so it's kind of pathetic, but it rocks so whatever. Of course it riffs again and even harder than the Worm Saloom and Electriclarryland songs ranked lower. Reminds me of "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash, thematically, but musically it's so different, beefier and immediate.

15Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician


As you can tell, I think the 2nd side of Locust Abortion Technician is better than the 1st side. This, musically, is possibly their most fucked up sounding song. If it were any more coherent, it could count as a political song, saying the USA and USSR are essentially two sides of the same coin, but it's not coherent at all and definitely isn't about that. The backing music is really stringy guitar feedback and squeaks. Maybe their most experimental song.

14Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"N*gro Observer"

That's right I censored it, but it's still a shame the label made sure it wouldn't be on any digital releases including streaming services. It's weird because the song lyrics aren't really that offensive other than the use of the word. It might actually being about aliens observing humans, which makes their decision to even use that word extra confusing. Edgy band and all that. In fact this has song of their best guitar work and there's even squealing saxophone. Gibby's personality really shines as he signs super dynamically.

13Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven

"Julio Iglesias"

This isn't even their only song to mention that famous Spanish singer. It sounds like a sleep-away camp sing-a-long, but it's about incest and STIs. Wild. The acoustic guitar and bass parts are fun as hell. If you like acoustic punk stuff, this is a prime cut. Despite its acoustic nature, it still manages to end in a big electric guitar solo. Truly perfect edginess.

12Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven


"What do you know about reality? I AM REALITY What do you know about death? I AM DEATH!" The deep demon voice taunts the high pitched child-like voice. "Crazy, crazy fucking world! Crazy goddamn world we're livin' in!" indeed child voice, indeed. This song is 12 minutes, but it also serves are a great summary of what Butthole Surfers are. They're chaotic, they're irreverent, they're downright evil at times, they're scuzzy, they love to solo, they're psychedelic, they're not afraid to make fun of taboo things, they're long form when they need to be, and all of that is here. "Jimi" may be the most Butthole Surfers song in the entire canon. And when you think you know where this song is going, it has a mellow, pastoral guitar solo. Behind all of the smoke in mirrors and that pandemonium is a truly talented band. It's why it's so easy to get past the worst of their lyrics I guess. I mean just hear Paul Leary go, man.

11Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers


Catchy guitar? Check. Catchy bass? Check. Catchy lyrics/vocals? Check. Honestly with the right marketing, this could've been a minor hit. It's about having a broken heart after all. That's what hits are about! HEY HEY HEY, yeah pop songs say hey a lot too! Oh okay, it's subversion, got it. Classic as hell song.

10Butthole Surfers

"Booze, Tobacco, Dope, Pussy, Cars"

So damn funny, but that's not all! The riff is fun as all hell and that drum "solo" is awesome but also hilarious. Playing this for Robertsona right now and and he says it has hints of Melt-Banana in there. Fair! Song is awesome and making fun of hypermasculinity while also embodying it!

9Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Sea Ferring"

Man that bass is so good. Trevor Malcolm only plays bass on 2 Surfers songs, but between this and "Mark Says Alright" he really made his short time with them count. Eat your heart out Jeff Punkus. I like how it truly sounds nautical (probably due to the guitar tone) while mostly being a straight forward punk melody-type stuff. Apparently "ferring" is a word okay. He's describing something in the lyrics, but I couldn't tell you what.

8Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Dum Dum"

All about feeling like an outcast and feeling inferior and it being rooted in some level of narcissism. Oddly deep for them haha. The bass line is great here too. I'm a sucker for bass, honestly, it definitely is why a lot of the top 15 are so high. The drums are roaring too. I feel like their early stuff was more rhythm based and less jammy, and I suppose that's often a strength in my eyes even if I also like their jamming.

7Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician


This is a warped Thai song ("Klua Duang" by Phloen Phromdaen.) They heard a Southeastn Asian song and were like "oh that sounds like the word cunt" let's warp it! And you know what, as culturally insensitive as that is, I adore it. It's just that stupid. The original song is actually really nice too. Cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt...yeah I'm 12 again, lol.

6Butthole Surfers
Independent Worm Saloon

"Goofy's Concern"

Our highest entry for Independent Worm Saloon is a song about apathy. He doesn't even care about LSD or the CIA or whatever, damn! Beefy, loud, hard rockin' apathy. Yeah this is their best post-80s song hands down. It makes me want to break shit, but I won't. Riff away Paul Leary, riff away! Simple pure fun.

5Butthole Surfers
Rembrandt Pussyhorse

"Creep in the Cellar"

Love the piano, love the country fiddle sample, love that it's about a cellar dwelling creep. Innocent enough for Halloween, and oddly tuned-in with pop enough to be a total earworm. Gibby really gives it all here too. Apparently they didn't even intend on the country sample initially, they just recorded it over an old country tape and left parts in because it sounded good. This is 100% their catchiest song. I could listen to it 5 times in a row and not get bored.

4Butthole Surfers
Hairway to Steven


As much as I love the acoustic guitar on here, the bass is even better! Another good "pop rock" tune. They were so good at being catch on Hairway to Steven, like with the right marketing, I don't see why this couldn't have been an alt rock charting song in the late 80s. It's oddly moody and almost serious. Man, I love Gibby's voice. And that solo is one of my favorites of theirs. This is a perfect song even if it's more commercial than their typical 80s stuff. Go on bass guitar wooo.

3Butthole Surfers
Butthole Surfers


Apparently this is about an abuser. Not too unexpected for a Butthole Surfers song. It's sort of silly, but mostly unnerving. Goofy music, when dealing with serious topics, can shed an usual light on things, or desensitize them. You be the judge. Good riff though and Paul Leary's singing is very animated. Commentary on violence in punk, the 80s, you love/hate to hear it. But why is it just so damn catchy and fun, y'know? I wouldn't change a thing? Uh, yeah I gotta stick by my convictions!

2Butthole Surfers
Locust Abortion Technician

"The O-Men"

Whoa that riff is chaotic, and don't even try to understand those vocals. Man it's like Donny from the Wild Thornberries if he was a psychopath. The high pitched voices are apparently saying "Cyborg lust! Terminate, terminate!" haha wow thanks genius lyrics. Really clears up this nonsense. Fuck though, those drums are perfect. It's like if you inverted everything sacred about a hymn. It's like opening a portal to hell, but in a funny way. Apparently it's making fun a song by a band Omen called "Terminate", but it's so much more! Chaotic shit like this is why Butthole Surfers are so worth hearing.

1Butthole Surfers
Psychic... Powerless... Another Man's Sac

"Woly Boly"

Yeah the guitar, bass, drums, and vocals are all great here. It's noisy, the production is shitty in a good way. It checks so many boxes, really. Oh yeah, you know how I've been harping on jams? This is probably my favorite solo of theirs and that's saying a lot. Can't figure out why it's called "Woly Boly", but honestly who cares, most of their lyrics are either nonsense, violent, taboo, or about lost romance. They're not exactly a lyrics band. Music is tip top as hell.

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