
Reviews 25
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Album Ratings 9688
Objectivity 87%

Last Active 12-19-22 9:35 pm
Joined 06-08-18

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COMPLETED: 1994 Deepest Dive

Going to revisit my favourite year for music and check out yet another hundred releases, one per calendar day (although I may not actually get to listening to them first time on that day strictly) and see if I keep unearthing those gems - the rule in this Deepest Dive series will be if the average rating I award across all hundred albums that make this list is equal to or greater than 3.25 then I will keep going and listen to ANOTHER hundred albums from the same year. If not I'll move on to another year... MY STARTING RATING COUNT FOR 1994 = 340 ALBUMS RATED
1John Frusciante
Niandra LaDes and Usually Just a T-Shirt

1st January:

Initial rating: 3 out of 5

Initial thoughts: if you told me I HAD to listen to home demos by a lead guitarist across 20+ tracks then for sure Frusciante would be one you'd pick, because a lot of this is enjoyably experimental as expected. But then also: it's home demos by a lead guitarist and often this sounds like noodling plus it incorporates 'unrefined' singing that's mostly not hitting me so far. Overall it has a welcoming vibe which helps the cause further, will see how we go.
2Husker Du
The Living End

2nd January:

Initial rating: 3 out of 5

Initial thoughts: I went on a 'live album' binge (sort of) last year and what you find is the good ones are really strong and the others are just non essential - you need bite in the mix, energy in the performance and tightness...this album feels a little lacking, a bit sloppy, the sound is a bit 'clack'y' and hollow. Look I'm sure this is a band who frequently ripped the audience's collective head off at a lot of their shows but that doesn't totally translate here. Classic band but this is just 'good'.
3The Cult
The Cult

3rd January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: Every year I'm aware there are a few '80s bands I should make a bit more effort to get to know...recently I've gone through The Cure, Husker Du, U2, Ultravox and Depeche Mode among others...but they've been instantly replaced by others on that same waiting list like Killing Joke, Simple Minds, New Model Army, etc...and yes, The Cult. I've listened to a couple of their albums before but nothing stuck too much, very 'arena' but there was a quality in there I liked. This album actually seems to focus in on that quality and maybe it is my imagination but this alt rock influenced set seems to have a bit more variety maybe. Fades a little but there's some power here, enjoyable so an optimistic 3.5 - and I'll hopefully discog dive this band at some stage.
4Everything But the Girl
Amplified Heart

4th January:

Initial rating: 3 out of 5

Initial thoughts: took me a long time to warm to Tracey Thorn who I had always pictured as a smug yuppy playing at being sad for some reason - sort of lumped her in with Sade and Mick Hucknall as possessed of naturally striking voices but pleased with themselves a bit too much. This was probably mean spirited and a hangover reaction to a segment of my parent's record collection during the late 80s/early 90s most likely, it was pretty much the opposite of my black t-shirt taste of my early teens anyway. Massive Attack broke down some doors with Tracey guesting so I've 'gotten over it'....tried 'Temperamental' before and liked it to a 3.5 degree so hopefully this ends up similar. Saying that, so far I don't think I like this as much, more of an over-egged sentimental backing? A little obvious? Somewhat cheesy? Dunno, obviously an adult contemporary 'relationship album', for now a 3 rating hoping for a breakthrough.
Orphan's Tragedy

5th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: doesn't seems as wild and noisy, or as great, as some of the earlier albums on first impression...but I still like this sound and I think as the songs grow this will prove solid. Go Cows.

6th January:

Initial rating: 2.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: sometimes when you finally get round to an album you've been aware of a long time it ends up sounding exactly as you imagined it would, this was a dispiriting experience - very much early Shirley over lumpen session musician 101 jams. She's got a cool voice for rock or pop, and you get a bit of sultry stuff thrown in too. Still, hardly her best vocals here and she needed to be pushed...and the rest of this band needed to push off.
Seal II

7th January:

Initial rating: 3 out of 5

Initial thoughts: still a little bland in places but this seems stronger than the debut overall, some of the backing works well while the rest is a little old fashioned maybe. Could grow given a few spins but still not majorly my thing.
8Harvey Milk
My Love Is Higher Than Your Assessment...

8th January:

Initial rating: 2.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: the best thing I've heard from them! Just don't really get the appeal so much, similar to the Melvins who'll also appear later here, just seems ok sludge metal with a bit of goofing. We'll see if it grows but I've been here with two of this band's albums before and they didn't reward the effort for me.

UPDATED SCORE: grew a little, enough for a 3.
Set It Off

9th January:

Initial rating: 3 out of 5

Initial thoughts: Reinvestigated Biohazard a bit last year (this is what now going five times a week to the gym does, a lot of workout soundtrack music needed) and this is very much along the same lines. No Biohazard album ended up above a 3 rating so I'm thinking this will have a similar ceiling...hopefully it has enough about it to retain a 3.0 anyway.
10David Grisman and Tony Rice
Tone Poems

10th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: it will surprise no one that this classes as Doof's kind of background music, can't beat a bit or warm strummin' and nimble fingerin' as they say. Who are they?
The Secret of Comedy

11th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: I've slowly started investigating ex Bongwater song writer Kramer's solo work and I find it really appealing - at least as appealing as the Bongwater stuff tbh. This one seems a shade less ambitious than the monster solo debut 'The Guilt Trip' but I'm still really impressed from the off here. Starting with a 3.5 but hoping for a 4+ down the line...
To the Depths... In Degradation

12th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: so yes, I'll be going down the RYM chart for 1994 and picking up some metal albums I missed which is something I do in general from time to time anyway. This one? It sounds like it came out a year after Demilich and is about as good too, very occasionally some neat symphonic textures in the mix here though - still, not something that is going to amaze me but it's very decent (could rise to a 4?), plus you have the vocals that are...what you'd expect and comforting in that way :D
Motorcade Of Generosity

13th January:

Initial rating: 2.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: careful what you wish for - Cake leaning less on the 'novelty factor' in their songs...just results in a less memorable collection. This time only three or four songs stuck out as more interesting.

14th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: very much doofcore aligned sort of stuff, think Dino Jr meets the Lemonheads just kicking out short grunge/power pop nuggets after four rehearsals. This album didn't change the world but that's ok.
15Fu Manchu
No One Rides for Free

15th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: not as tongue in cheek as Monster Magnet, but then also not as heavyweight as Kyuss...this kinda exists somewhere between. So a place where they'll live or die by the quality of the riffs? Luckily the riffs are decent, this has some authentic rock chops.
16Palace Music

16th January:

Initial rating: 4 out of 5

Initial thoughts: I've been revisiting a load of Will Oldham stuff recently and if anything my opinion of his work has gone even higher, so perhaps this EP reaches me at the right time where I'd slap a 4 on the fella reading the classified scores. This just sounds solid, solid, solid.
World Demise

17th January:

Initial rating: 3 out of 5

Initial thoughts: not a band that have ever blown me away, but this was decent death metal that leans quite hard on atmosphere (the riffs are plodding and quite standard most of the time, the lead solos just better than average maybe) which also boasts a great opening track and a bit of a classic in 'Final Thoughts'.
18Big Daddy Kane
Daddy's Home

18th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: I thought this was pretty good actually, despite the negative rep. I liked the mid '90s production and ok it maybe isn't quite as strong as his first two albums but it still has a lot to offer. Maybe people don't like the sleeve :/

19th January:

Initial rating: 3.5 out of 5

Initial thoughts: I rate the instrumentals, very much my thing...the vocals I'm more mixed about. Your typical late '80s indie schmindie style like Field Mice etc. Overall a decent album though, think it'll retain a 3.5.

20th January:

Initial rating: 4

Initial thoughts: this was released after the exceptional ‘Pure’ and is more top level Godflesh, hopefully it retains a 4.
The Ending Quest

21st January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: I guess this is evidence where 'word fails, ratings fail' because I'm going to have to slap a middling 3.5 on this where I awarded a super strong 3.5 for the Infester which I enjoyed that bit more. There's nothing wrong with this doom'y death metal release but it feels less unique and intense compared to the Infester. Still, a 3.5 is happy days, onwards...
22The Jesus and Mary Chain
Stoned & Dethroned

22nd January:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: another band I'm yet to make a proper breakthrough with - and this album wasn't going to be the one to change that. On the plus side as background listening 'alt' with a country-ish (well, definitely a Tom Petty) influence it's perfectly serviceable, but the negative is I also get a slight phoney feel to these vocals, the whole thing sounds a bit like what you'd imagine Primal Scream would deliver if you asked them to make a relaxing guitar based album. I imagine that if you sat me down in a dusty bar on holiday at the same time every day for a week, somewhere quiet and near the coast, to sink two beers while this plays in the background I'd probably end up rating it a lot higher - so I'm saying this is an album that needs positive nostalgic associations working in its favour to truly 'hit'.
Burning Kingdom

23rd January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: quite a different release from Callahan, abstract and noisy, quite disorientating. It'll take a while to sink in but for now I'm going to place a cautious 3.5 here fully aware it might actually be a 4+.
24Wicked Lady
Psychotic overkill

24th January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: ok, not strictly a 1994 album, this is an archival record recorded in 1972 that was first officially released in 1994 - but I'm including here because why not? and I liked their first album. Very cool hard rock with a bit of blues, psych...and dare I say embryonic metal in the mix. Rocks, bags a 3.5.

25th January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: more great stuff from Seefeel, this is a compilation of EPs and once again it mixes ambient techno/IDM with shoegaze guitars. Hypnotic, mesmeric, otherworldly etc etc
26Frank Zappa
Civilization, Phaze III

26th January:

Initial rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: oh Zappa I do struggle, your spoken word in-jokes are about as funny as going for a Medieval vasectomy and then the music...I just don't really get it this time, sounds like the sort of 'modern classical' semi-shite you'd have played to you in a museum exhibition about crystal caves or microscopic spiders, who knows? Taking out the spoken word would listen two we're getting rid of those. Help.
27Paul Quinn and The Independent Group
Will I Ever Be Inside of You

27th January:

Initial rating: 4

Initial thoughts: ah yes, chamber pop torch songs that call to mind Bowie, Bryan Ferry, Blue Nile, Bathers (yup, all the B's) and occasionally Tindersticks. So the sky's the limit here, though to start with I'm going with an optimistic 4 outta 5.
28David Sylvian and Robert Fripp

28th January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: how 'live' is this? Dunno, I know most of the material and it sounds great, it could be a 4...but i'm not feeling this release is that unique.
Dark & Long

29th January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: some great Underworld remixes not a lot more to say here.

30th January:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: a more thrash/metal version of Ministry really, but I liked this a lot on first go. See if it gets boring or not from hereon out...
31Saint Etienne
Tiger Bay

31st January:

Initial rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: very fluffy, almost Eurotrash'y, and not in a particularly endearing or fun way. The only way is up sang D:Ream...
32Sinead O'Connor
Universal Mother

1st February:

Initial rating: 2

Initial thoughts: I feared the worst but this was actually a lot more boring than I'd least on first impressions.
Stoner Witch

2nd February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: Melvins are one of those bands I just don't really 'get' on the level others do, for me they're the equivalent of the sludge/stoner metal version of Mudhoney....when I want them to be more the metal version of Dino Jr. They aren't that memorable...but then I rarely revisit their albums after a couple of tries. Maybe now is the time...
Parallel Universe

3rd February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: more historically interesting than genuinely massively exciting to listen to in 2023...but I do regard myself a fan of drum n' bass so this is somewhat essential. Hopefully it keeps at least a 3.5.
35The Halo Benders
God Don't Make No Junk

4th February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: sounds very much like a side band for all concerned, and if there's a 'shit version' of a band I'd still enjoy it wouldn't be a bad version of Pavement. After all, Pavement are best at also being a 'bad Pavement' occasionally. Generous 3.0 to start here.
36Eat Static

5th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: it's trance mate. Yeah this was solidly enjoyable, apparently this involves some members of Ozric Tentacles and that makes sense.
37Veruca Salt
American Thighs

6th February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: labelled grunge but I'm hearing more 'female Weezer' - it's very bright and power pop'y most of the time. Really on the fence with this one, bit background music'ish so far.
Punk in Drublic

7th February:

Initial rating: 2

Initial thoughts: a lot of stuff that'll make it onto this list is a case that I remember either the cover or the album title from back in the day...and in this case I remember both. Pop punk/skate's a bit like Bad Religion mixed with Green Day tbh, but it doesn't have really the catchy pop chops of GD or the righteous political thang BR had. It's also a bit more ska, and like Sublime I just don't really buy it. The joke songs are also painful. This IS better than I expected, so who knows it might even climb to a 2.5.
39Pale Saints
Slow Buildings

8th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: maybe a slightly generous 3.5 to start off with here, this seems like it's the least well regarded Pale Saints album and maybe it's more generic 90s/alt rock'ish in places. I still quite enjoyed it all the same, just a relaxed listen with a few highlights.
40Pink Floyd
The Division Bell

9th February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: mellow Floyd...this album feels like where you end up when a band's whole schtick has really become a marketable brand, very repeatable, almost autopilot. It's perfectly listenable as background'ish patter if you're already on board with Pink Floyd - and I guess I am so a 3.0.
41Psychic TV
Cathedral Engine

10th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: once you get over the artwork, well this is an intriguing ambient release from Psychic TV - this'll need replays to get a grip of, but there's something going on here.

UPDATED SCORE: there was less going on than I first suspected - 3
42Patricia Barber
Cafe Blue

11th February:

Initial rating: 4

Initial thoughts: what I hoped for from this list, a pick that I know next to nothing about, know almost as little about the genre itself ('vocal jazz')...but which just connects. Great voice, great atmosphere, hoping the songs do it long term.
43Hootie and The Blowfish
Cracked Rear View

12th February:

Initial rating: 2

Initial thoughts: competent but unbelievably rote, unmemorable and well, dull. 'Bar band get lucky' screams the headline.
44At the Gates
Terminal Spirit Disease

13th February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: not the best At the Gates album on first impressions, starts well enough but nothing really leapt out deeper into the track list. Will need a few spins will this one...
45Peanut Butter Wolf
Peanut Butter Breaks

14th February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: wasn't a lot to get stuck into here and I was expecting to like this a lot as i do love instrumental hip hop from the mid '90s. Might grow, but effectively a glorified EP of what feels like half baked tracks is my first take.
46The Charlatans (UK)
Up to Our Hips

15th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: I hated this sort of thing when I was a teenager, far too soft, but now I've mellowed to this sort of whimsical brit pop type stuff. An optimistic 3.5, though it might just be a 3.
47Kitchens Of Distinction
Cowboys and Aliens

16th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: never enjoyed this band as much as the sometimes similar Breathless but this album, though a little less well regarded than their first three albums, still gets another 3.5 from me. Solid guitar.

17th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: for a black metal album this is incredibly catchy, and that's MOSTLY a good thing here.
49Long Fin Killie

18th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: same quality as the album material so a strong 3.5 here.
50Lords of Acid

19th February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: got tbh here I didn't really 'get' this sound...real low in musicality, but with some pyrotechnics and shock lyrics. I didn't hate it, maybe it'll prove fun on repeat visits, but for now it feels a little like Cheeseville.
51Adrian Borland
Beautiful Ammunition

20th February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: lead singer of The Sound, I've tried a few of his solo albums before and this is decent acoustic rock, very typical singer/songwriter stuff but enjoyable. He jumped in front of a train apparently, this is no way near that bad.
52Greg Brown
The Poet Game

21st February:

Initial rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: 'married to Iris DeMent'...yeah, he's a little bit country. He's got 'the blues' too. This is slap bang between a 3 and 3.5 on first impressions, will go with the 3.5 I guess.
53R.L. Burnside
Too Bad Jim

22nd February:

Initial rating: 3

Initial thoughts: on first impressions this wasn’t too unique a blues album…but it’ll get a revisit all the same so let’s see.
Human = Garbage

23rd February:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: intense shit indeed. I think I enjoyed it.
55Pete Droge
Necktie Second

24th February:

Initial Rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: very workaday Tom Petty influenced stuff, couple of nice moments.
Epistemological Despondency

25th February:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: knew this band from their more recent output, and this is just as good if not better - it's doom but quite artistic for doom, doom with depth!
Today We Will Not Be Invisible Nor Silent

26th February:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: not that unique metalcore/hardcore but solid enough.
Cop and Speeder

27th February:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: strange to think Elliott is buried in here, this plods a lot, overall just above average alt rock and not much more.
59Ray Wylie Hubbard
Loco Gringo's Lament

28th February:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: always dig his stuff, somewhere between outlaw country and blues rock, he keeps the groove going (important).
60Sam Phillips
Martinis & Bikinis

1st March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: this grew on me as I listened to it, probably went from a 2 to a 3 by the end. Still not my thing really, sounds quite cheap too.

2nd March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: I liked this about as much as any other Prince could even be a 3.5. Still not majorly into Prince's style.
62The Rolling Stones
Voodoo Lounge

3rd March:

Initial Rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: So this is what an average tier Rolling Stones album sounds like (I think I knew already).
63Ronnie Earl
Language Of The Soul

4th March:

Initial Rating: 4

Initial thoughts: similar deal to the Patricia Barber in this not being a genre I care about too much ('electric blues' this time) but...the technicality and importantly the atmosphere are both spot on. Loved this.
Tales from the Thousand Lakes

5th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: another solid metal album on the list, good guitar sound.
65The Fall
Middle Class Revolt

6th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: Fall by numbers - but there are worse things.
66House of Pain
Same As It Ever Was

7th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: unfortunately HoP come across as the self serious version of Cypress Hill no one really asked for a lot of the time. I can dig this on a very basic level though.
67Inspiral Carpets
Devil Hopping

8th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: not my favourite by the, uh, Carpets - this one seemed a little lumpen on first go.
68In the Labyrinth
The Garden of Mysteries

9th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: everything but the kitchen sink sort of album, some prog folk widdly woo, some ethno stuff, some bluesy licks, a little Floyd worship. It won me over though, took me somewhere.
24 Hour Revenge Therapy

10th March:

Initial Rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: similar feelings to the NOFX above, just this is less obnoxious.
Wah Wah

11th March:

Initial Rating: 2

Initial thoughts: this one sounds like career suicide, nothing to latch onto first listen...maybe revisits I'll find something. When experimentation leads to a total lack of identity.
71Robert Hood
Minimal Nation

12th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: didn't do a huge lot for me but I can respect the historic significance etc - My enjoyment was 'minimal' this time anyway haw haw...
When the Sky Turns Black

13th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: more solid death metal, just with some questionable interludes
Break 'em Off a Chunk

14th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: a bit too old school but in no way cheesy so that's something, could be a 3.5
74Vigilantes of Love
Welcome to Struggleville

15th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: very standard Petty meets Drive-By Truckers type alt country/country rock...pretty mainstream but honestly it just SOUNDS decent for the most part, it's hard to shit on this. Apparently the rest of their discog is more folk'y so maybe that's where I should head.
75Eric Clapton
From The Cradle

16th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: I think my dad played this a lot back in the '90s, a lot of car journeys with this one playing. It's polished blues, technically it's decent, it just doesn't do anything for me really and the atmosphere as hinted before is too airbrushed for 'the blues'.
76The Clean
Modern Rock

17th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: I always like this band's Velvets/YLT type of feel and while no songs initially come across as absolute belters its just a really pleasant album to listen to.
77Cradle of Filth
The Principle of Evil Made Flesh

18th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: possibly the biggest surprise rating on the list so far...I've never liked CoF before, far too OTT, but this early album is just really atmospheric, solid black metal with some well integrated gothic tones.
78Master P
The Ghettos Tryin to Kill Me!

19th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: quite like this lo-fi West Coast vibe, the atmosphere is definitely the thing that drags this up a .5 fore sure.
79Bruce Dickinson
Balls to Picasso

20th March:

Initial Rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: well, I didn't hate it so quite the result! But also...still not a fan of the 'air raid siren' and the song writing is sorta heavy metal mixed with g n' r mixed with alt rock. It would have sounded a bit dated in 1990 let alone 1994. Opener is interesting and a couple of alright songs towards the end too.
Blasphemy Made Flesh

21st March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: yes brutal...but yes kinda very good brutal with some virtuoso classic metal chops too. Maybe I'm mellowing to this type of metal but it's still too repetitive for me to return to much...
81Disco Inferno
Second Language

22nd March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: this band are always 3.5'ish level excellent and they sound a bit like if the Durutti Column were forced to become a conventional band with more classic song structures and vocals etc. Good EP
Eggs Teenbeat 96 Exploder

23rd March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: bog ordinary indie schmindie stuff from the mid 90s, people compare this album to Pavement but that's a stretch. Could be a 2.5 (the shame).
Seize the Time

24th March:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: well this is certainly relentless at what it does and some of the tribal meets eastern/middle eastern backing is impressive...but the vocals are even clunkier than Senser! Plus as much as I get it's coming from a worthy enough place, calling yourself a Muslim jihadi has sorta been reframed a bit at this dated all round, but an interesting museum piece.

25th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: vocals a little overpowered by the music? Not sure it was the mix or the singer but yeah, not quite as powerful as I wanted. The riffs and beats have real energy though, groovy.
85Beaumont Hannant

26th March:

Initial Rating: 4

Initial thoughts: always love this sort of ambient techno from the mid '90s, very solid album.
86Heavens to Betsy

27th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: very enjoyable riot grrrl alt rock/grunge album, the recording level is 'superior demo' quality but that's no issue really. Music is sometimes like mixing Fugazi with Nirvana.
The Lurid Traversal of Route 7

28th March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: people saying this band should be held up as of a similar quality to Fugazi...I'm not hearing that level of quality but this is pre cool all the same.
88Jerry Joseph
Love and Happiness

29th March:

Initial Rating: 2

Initial thoughts: too hokey.
89Simon Joyner
The Cowardly Traveller Pays His Toll

30th March:

Initial Rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: yer average lo-fi folk set, can imagine stumbling into a small venue, listening to these songs performed and thinking 'hmmmm' and then..never thinking about the experience ever again, despite not hating the experience.
90David Kilgour
Sugar Mouth

31st March:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: the jangle tracks are fine, sure, but I was a bit worried that'd be that with this release. No! The indie rock tracks are nearing 'Yo La Tengo at their best' level - really really great, the rock tracks save this one.
War on Art Under Dictatorship of the Proletariat

1st April:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: appropriately got the April Fool's spot, the concept and lyrics are funny, only the music is serviceable but gets a bit tired after an HOUR of plod.
92They Might Be Giants
John Henry

2nd April:

Initial Rating: 2.5

Initial thoughts: finally get this band…they’re close to an American version of Half Man Half Biscuit. Couple of small problems; I don’t like these accents; I don’t find their lyrics funny or relatable. 'A Self Called Nowhere' stands out for being excellent and prob earns this an extra .5 on its own.
93The Legendary Pink Dots
9 Lives to Wonder

3rd April:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: consistently enjoy this band's material but always award a 3.5 as their stuff isn't as engaging as similar stuff (Robert Wyatt, Current 93, 'Yerself is Steam', etc)
Weathered Well

4th April:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: quite a lively ambient techno album, comparing this to Aphex Twin would be a horrible thing to do because that man's the best in the business, but there are similarities and this doesn't fall completely flat on it's face when held up against the master.
95The Lightning Seeds

5th April:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: in one ear and out the other but in quite a pleasing way.
96Bulbous Creation
You Won't Remember Dying

6th April:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: more psychrock from the '70s vaults that finally got an official release in 1994. Like it.
97Corb Lund
Modern Pain

7th April:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: dude has a niche, this is alt country but more trad old time'y alt country. There's something unique in his delivery. Hey, he's a real cowboy, check it!
98Kirsty Maccoll
Titanic Days

8th April:

Initial Rating: 3

Initial thoughts: nice voice thankfully, because the writing and the backing is so MOR radio jangle it's unreal.

9th April:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: jazz meets Klezmer music apparently, yeah I enjoyed it.
100Public Enemy
Muse Sick-N-Hour Message

10th April:

Initial Rating: 3.5

Initial thoughts: slightly underrated, I thought this was tight enough, think the mid 90s update suits them ok.
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