
Reviews 16
Approval 90%

Soundoffs 169
News Articles 16
Band Edits + Tags 47
Album Edits 47

Album Ratings 2448
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 12-18-22 1:16 am
Joined 09-12-10

Review Comments 8,900

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Mongi123 Whomever said i didn't own it lol
    June 3 10:43 PM
  • Hawks Same to you buddy!!
    June 2 07:45 AM
  • Hawks Hell yeah bro. These pleb mother****ers don't bother me lol.
    June 2 07:30 AM
  • Hawks I love Deathspell for the most part bro.
    October 6 10:54 AM
  • JayEnder Absolutely right on all accounts dude, good points there. It's tough sometimes with the way the world is going but I try to keep a good attitude towards people and to handle stressful situations with more zen and less anger lol. And hell yeah I hear ya about AoF too 100%, dangerously close to getting the heartskull tattoo haha.
    September 18 04:48 PM
  • onionbubs they finished the song over the summer
    September 17 03:13 AM
  • JayEnder The sadness comes and goes man, most days I'm feeling pretty good tho. Come a long way the past few years. Nice rating yourself it really does bang. Honestly always have a hard time deciding if I like Crisis or Watch Out more haha. s/t really grew on me too over the years I love Pulmonary Archery so much
    September 15 11:17 PM
  • JayEnder You Burn First aside it embodies everything I love about the band and brings me back to 2006 which was a monumentally less s***ty time period in my life lol
    September 15 07:32 AM
  • Manatea Checked out Cautxn! Not entirely my cup but enjoyed it more than I do most other things in that genre. Thanks for the rec? again!
    October 25 06:28 AM
  • Scoot i think so too
    November 1 05:17 PM
  • aok more like 28 days later am i right am i right ? yeah, I don't understand why guys like you and my friend Liv wind up deleting your music before more people listen
    October 2 10:37 AM
  • Sowing You have to ask in the meds thread. Only jom can change usernames.
    September 3 04:23 PM
  • Jebull Hey you were right, Johnny Booth is pretty sweet, thanks! :D
    August 28 02:13 PM
  • Funeralopolis Thanks I'm glad you liked it! I put a lot of my heart into it. I'm doing okay right now. I have been hospitalized for 3 weeks and it looks like I'm getting out Monday which is at least something to look forward to.
    August 27 10:22 PM
  • Aberf which album first tho
    August 27 07:56 PM
  • Aberf ty for rec fam will check thanks.
    August 27 07:56 PM
  • JeetJeet thank you, much love brotherman
    August 25 01:27 AM
  • valek MAN FILTH!!!! ;)
    August 21 09:48 AM
  • fogza Elliott is my favourite artist, hits like a ton of bricks
    July 30 08:23 AM
  • fogza Thanks, that's nice of you to say since we differ on quite a few records (but also have some overlap)!
    July 30 08:04 AM
  • aok oh . send me a soundcloud link or something when you make music next. peace up buddy
    July 28 08:41 AM
  • DavidYowi Thank you so much dude! It took way too long to finish, will definitely write shorter reviews in the future, but I?m super proud of what I wrote
    July 15 03:09 PM
  • aok eyoyo . you still making music at depth connection or you finna start a band wit electric city aka adam earnest?
    July 11 11:51 AM
  • MaryBabko verminousgaming is the ting. Oblivion 5 went up last night. Might do 6 and 7 tonight
    July 1 11:30 AM
  • MaryBabko Just to give you a heads up, new Oblivion uploads tonight. Not sure what time yet, but it will be tonight at some point.
    June 30 09:40 AM
  • MaryBabko Yeah man I'll definitely be uploading some more as of tomorrow. I'm gonna get some recordings done tonight, I've been mad busy last few days. In the meantime, I dunno if this is too much to ask, but could you ask a few people you know who like modern and classic games to check my channel out, so far im doing Days Gone and Valhalla and a few retro games . It's fine if not
    June 28 08:30 PM
  • Storm In A Teacup I believe one day we will get it. And a true KOTOR 3
    June 26 09:58 PM
  • MaryBabko Skyrim was decent but EXTREMELY shallow in my opinion, in that the world itself had so little in it. The dungeons were all vertical identical with random loot boxes at the bottom and the rest of the land felt so empty. Fallout 4 i really enjoyed in some ways but it definitely shouldn't be marketed as an RPG. I'm considering doing a Fallout 4 youtube playthrough
    June 26 09:02 PM
  • MaryBabko (wasnt) even made internally, so I am really sceptical as to whether Todd$$$ Howard$$$ will pull through with it since he only gives a s*** about monetizing every aspect of his games. Either way, I think it's a scummy move and the fact that second hand XSX's are 200 quid cheaper than second hand PS5s says a lot about the lack of any first-party games so far. What about you, what are your thoughts on it? What do you play?
    June 26 04:47 PM
  • MaryBabko Hey, I'm recording more Oblivion tonight, so I should have more up tomorrow.In answer to your question, I'm a PC player so hopefully I should be able to play with it. I think exclusive games are the biggest scam out there, because it actually reduces the amount of money a company makes overall. Microsoft are worse for it though - they have to BUY companies to get good exclusives. Bethesda, in my opinion, are a hugely hit and miss studio overall and their most acclaimed game (New Vegas) wasn't
    June 26 04:46 PM
  • MaryBabko Cheers homie, i'm gonna be doing more Oblivion over the next few days,just need to find time to install the mod for the stutter fix. Really appreciate the comment though man
    June 21 02:40 PM
  • onionbubs yeah the cover is alright and i skipped the space song but they sounds wicked playing the transit blues stuff and the interviews in between are really cool. performances made me really wish i gave more of a s*** when i saw them live as i didn't really notice how good of a band they were until like a month or two back
    June 1 06:23 AM
  • onionbubs thanks homie! i will watch that when i'm done with the record i'm on now (got like a song left)
    June 1 06:10 AM
  • Koris Sorry I never replied to your shoutout, but yeah, Creed could have been a great metal band if they went that route
    May 27 11:47 AM
  • SteakByrnes Hell yes brother it's been one of my favorite albums for years and years, always a good time when I throw it on
    May 23 03:16 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell 1st *4* yes extremely based, slappers all round. should never have aged well tbh but it has and we are blessed
    May 22 12:01 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell hehe, it's in the top 50% of 3.5s though!
    May 22 08:58 AM
  • Get Low easily
    May 22 08:15 AM
  • Koris Same goes for Nickelback, but I do personally prefer them over Creed
    May 13 02:00 PM
  • Koris I feel like that was Creed in a nutshell... they always had the potential to make something heavier and more intense, but they always held themselves back so they could capitalize on those touching ballads. lol
    May 13 01:59 PM
  • TheNotrap Hahah gotta love those two
    May 13 08:54 AM
  • Sowing Thanks, it's been fun unveiling the list gradually (which was born out of necessity because I never have a huge block of time to sit at a computer anymore). I appreciate you reading and commenting along, hopefully you agree with most of the inclusions and find a few gems along the way!
    April 18 10:41 PM
  • parksungjoon WRONG
    April 18 08:44 PM
  • rage11111ro Yeap. You took it away. I hope you come back with the refreshed one:)
    March 27 08:40 AM
  • chemicalmarriage I still jam solterra. Js
    March 27 07:38 AM
  • aok Got any of your own music I should check into?
    March 27 03:02 AM
  • someone Thanks aplenty, nice ones yourself
    March 20 09:33 AM
  • garas Ah, thanks bro! Anyway, I hope you'll have a great time with that Craft album. It is filthy good.
    February 28 03:47 PM
  • rage11111ro Odd thing for me is that I got deep into the genre before I managed to get into its creators. Anyhow, tried a lot Blut aus Nord which are supposed to be similar (although I hardly see it) too but they're still not clicking at all.
    February 19 11:14 AM
  • rage11111ro 3 things: 2 coming from advice received as comments in the list: to look into their philosophy/concept and the setup (what I did here is instead of listening whilst working I listened each evening in bed with lights off). One other thing that helped was finding a drummer covering full albums in one shot:  Cesar Vesvre, he has a youtube channel.
    February 8 07:35 AM
  • heyadam yeeee - it?s so distinct. it?s impossible not to see images of saturated or stormy landscapes when listening haha
    February 8 07:24 AM
  • rage11111ro Sir, DSO finally clicked for me and you sure have something to do with it, 10x
    February 3 11:30 PM
  • Gnocchi Haven't got to their new album yet, I've been listening to the new Grima
    January 24 10:04 AM
  • Ecnalzen Ah, I see. Well, I hope you keep at it! I do ever so enjoy your guitar playing and would love to hear more of it if you get anything going in the future.
    November 5 11:04 PM
  • Ecnalzen You still playing music? I was just thinking about sputnik musicians the other day, and then I thought about Depth Connection and jumped on your bandcamp page
    October 24 08:56 PM
  • Pikazilla m/ m/ m/
    March 21 07:15 AM
  • parksungjoon yea so apparently its not a real band, but an anonymous project of various musicians under the label ned (which is what dso are also under, incidentally, as well as misthyrming)
    March 20 11:10 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD You too my man! Cheers. We re doin aright. Everyone at home!
    March 20 11:05 PM
  • parksungjoon ma says avantgarde bm and compares em to abigor (which i never jammed much), dso and gorguts.... tbh they do sound closer to post-erosion guts than they sound like most bm but yea idk
    March 20 11:03 PM
  • parksungjoon weird s*** idk
    March 20 10:58 PM
  • parksungjoon r u sure this is bm lol
    March 20 10:43 PM
  • Voivod Thanks man, really appreciate it, take care :-)
    March 20 10:37 PM
  • parksungjoon yea ive bene jamming some bm too lately actually. czechin now
    March 20 10:37 PM
  • parksungjoon alright i guess. i have not, no, i'll keep it in mind and give it a bash when i get the chance. transitioning away from electronic music mr lichty? haha
    March 20 08:16 AM
  • parksungjoon great user agreed
    February 18 09:17 PM
  • parksungjoon flan mesh
    February 16 08:00 PM
  • Gnocchi Since you're giving the Ulver's and Agalloch's a go, make sure you check out Fen's newest one.
    December 9 11:38 AM
  • Gnocchi Hey, thanks! Judging by your last few ratings, you're on the right path.
    December 8 04:23 AM
  • SandwichBubble Indeed.
    December 8 03:52 AM
  • SandwichBubble Thank you, it's a testament to my lack of a social life.
    December 8 03:43 AM
  • MotokoKusanagi i actually don't remember exactly where but just from lurking on here. been here since '09 on my old username ThirtySixChambers
    September 29 04:51 PM
  • MotokoKusanagi depth connection is dope
    September 28 05:11 AM
  • Jash Well, well, well...
    September 13 09:25 AM
  • Rev yeah that's the struggle!! i'm probably going to need to replace my laptop in the next couple of years and i wanna pick up new hardware, but on top of that i've gotta move soon so it's probably gonna be a headache haha. and def will do! i'd love to get some of your guitar layers on a track sometime if you ever wanna collaborate on something!
    May 23 03:37 PM
  • Rev yeah! i just finished school so hopefully gonna start doing it more than ever, but yeah i haven't dropped anything new in ages. how about yourself?
    May 23 03:00 PM
  • Rev yo my dude!! it's been a minute, how have you been?
    May 23 02:56 PM
  • Orb Likewise my dude :]
    April 24 12:54 PM
  • tyman128 please do man, I?m gonna be getting back in the groove of review writing so I?ll definitely put something out on that EP man
    March 23 07:39 PM
  • tyman128 not gonna lie, The Old Haunt has been on repeat all day today, really digging the soundprobably one of the better tracks I?ve heard all year
    March 23 06:16 PM
  • klap !!! Glad you dig it dude, such good stuff
    January 19 05:03 PM
  • TMobotron Thank you buddy, I don't visit here much anymore. I'll give it a listen, and congrats on getting a new EP out.
    April 7 07:15 AM
  • owen dan weller of sikth produced the last two Enter Shikari albums, so that's why
    January 14 11:02 AM
  • Calc I kinda skimmed it, didn't hate it but I liked the first two better.
    January 5 05:20 AM
  • RadicalEd sucks to hear man. But you live and learn I guess. At least your owning up to a mistake, which is more than most people would do. I'm sure they'll learn to appreciate that somewhere down the road.
    October 22 09:18 AM
  • RadicalEd ah, I thought you guys were back together... sad. I hope you are still on somewhat good terms with them. Anyway, your work as "Depth Connection" is just as interesting.
    October 21 07:19 AM
  • RadicalEd Solterra Future Man? Is there going to be another album by Solterra. I thought you were just doing your solo work at the moment.
    October 20 05:55 PM
  • Pho3nix Thanks for the link man!
    August 11 03:39 PM
  • OmairSh That sucks dude. Will you be forming/joining another band or going solo for the time being?
    July 19 11:22 PM
  • OmairSh Listened to a couple of songs off of Umbra, really cool stuff. I love how you guys don't focus on wankery and have some really cool melodies an tones
    July 19 09:10 PM
  • L4titudes Damn small world I always listened to your stuff on soundcloud since you hit me with a follow and enjoyed it very much then I see Depth Connection on the front page here.. keep up the good work
    July 15 12:43 AM
  • TMobotron I tried to guilt trip them in the meds thread by mentioning that the Different Waves review never got featured lol so hopefully so.
    July 9 05:34 AM
  • TMobotron Word man and nvm I actually started writing something after a couple more listens. It's really short but I'll have a review posted soon. I asked for a feature for my Different Waves one but I think it was too far after the release date. I'll ask again for this one, I'm hoping they'll put it up - they're good about showing off members' releases especially when they're good (and free).
    July 9 04:20 AM
  • TMobotron REALLY liking it. I gave different waves a 3.5 and this is definitely at least that. There were 1 or 2 clunky aspects of the production on different waves I thought but everything here is smooth as hell. Good s*** dude, you should be proud. I'll try to work up the energy to review it but I haven't felt like reviewing at all lately, and there are a few other things I've been wanting to cover. Might be able to put something short up but don't count on it (sorry).
    July 9 03:32 AM
  • TMobotron I appreciate the SB post, I'm Tommy Moberly in mezz FYI. Just got home though so I'm about to give this a spin, I'll let you know what I think.
    July 9 02:17 AM
  • Static you did a sound off about the made up stanley's ep and i was just wondering if you had any specifics regarding bad riffs
    June 3 03:51 AM
  • Spec oh its you hey you
    March 9 07:35 AM
  • chemicalmarriage It's not what I was expecting but I found it really chill and enjoyable. Thanks for the music and keep jammin man.
    February 27 08:35 PM
  • chemicalmarriage Thanks for the link and no problem, you're a great musician. Keep creating and don't confine yourself. I'll give this a good listen tomorrow with fresh ears. Looking forward to it. Gonna crash. Peace
    February 27 08:44 AM
  • chemicalmarriage hey man, really love your work with Solterra. Let me know if you have any other projects, I'd definitely like to hear what you've been up to. Cheers man.
    February 27 07:21 AM
  • hnled Let's have sex
    February 19 07:57 AM
  • Brostep sweet, sounds good man
    February 13 10:01 PM
  • Brostep Thanks a bunch! Let me know if/when you release some new stuff and now that I have access to the blog I can write up a super cool paragraph about it
    February 13 12:37 PM
  • TMobotron I saw that your EP still didn't have a review up for it which I thought was stupid, so I wrote a short and sweet one, check it out! Hope a couple of the negative remarks don't detract from the love I have for it.
    September 13 01:09 PM
  • Trebor. :)
    August 20 05:05 AM
  • Trebor. Your EP is ****ing amazing man. I first heard Droplets on Jash's label album and I thought it was the best song, and damn the rest of the EP is awesome too. Lights cover is so sick
    August 18 08:11 AM
  • clercqie Yeah I saw it but haven't really decided a rating yet. Close to a 4 though. :]
    August 12 07:03 AM
  • clercqie Massive props for Different Waves man. The EP is really well-done. Keep it up!
    August 6 06:00 PM
  • jmnewcomer18
    February 28 09:34 PM
  • Days of Future Passed Saw your 2012 list dude, nice work! And then I was tripping out when I realized how similar our pie charts are.
    January 8 06:42 PM
  • Mad. Loving Umbra but I really think the next step for you guys is a vocalist, then like some guy said on your Facebook page "the sky is the limit" or in your case, space.
    November 16 10:25 AM
  • chambered49 dude umbra rules
    November 12 10:04 AM
  • Calc it is done
    November 10 05:50 PM
  • Calc know what? i'd love to and am honored you asked. I have to get MS word on my laptop though so gimme a couple days
    November 10 01:29 AM
  • Typhoner You like some nice stuff and seeing that Hidden Orchestra is among those: have you already heard their new album?
    October 18 11:39 AM
  • Acanthus You heard the new DAL track?
    June 24 07:13 AM
  • bnelso55 That's right! Cool. I will see if I can make it. What does the set list look like? Will you guys be able to play some of the more quieter songs?I would say the band is solid on both the light and heavier sounds. The Affluenza and Sold to Wolves riffs really hit the nail on the head. I'm partial to the acoustic side myself. Airborne, Hailing Stars and Autumn Chill are probably the top tracks for me.Is this recording self-released? Or where did you record?
    May 9 11:25 PM
  • bnelso55 Man, congratulations on the "Autumn Chill" track. It is a fine record overall, but that is a great track!
    April 24 02:43 AM
  • clercqie Hey man, is that 5 on Clubroot's third the result of great expectations or is it for real? And if so, where did you find it? ;)
    April 5 08:12 AM
  • calgarydude12 I like your style. I love how you seem to love music.
    April 5 02:45 AM
  • calgarydude12 I like your style. I love how you seem to love music.
    April 5 02:44 AM
  • Sowing Giving it a listen guarantees on a review, but maybe if it impresses me enough and I find the time between the reviews I'm obligated to do from the staff dibs forum
    April 3 12:00 AM
  • MO oh hahaha cool thanks man, yea I really dig your sound. Have you listened to T.R.A.M's new album?
    March 15 11:03 PM
  • MO oh really? ok then...
    March 15 09:28 PM
  • ThirtySixChambers haha wtf man i didn't know you were in Solterra. so jammy! so good
    March 15 05:06 PM
  • MO yea just had to stop by and let you know your album is ****ing awesome, great work
    March 15 02:07 PM
  • seedofnothing awesome, that is rockin intrumental goodness, I'm gonna definitely download for sure!!
    March 15 08:42 AM
  • seedofnothing thanks man I glad you liked it! yes I played every single part, it took a while but I finally got it done
    March 15 08:20 AM
  • seedofnothing Hey what's up man. I just finished a new song! it's called "Fables of Blood"[dm/bm infused with melodies]. If you don't mind checking it out, I'd love to hear what you'd think of it. it's at
    March 15 07:45 AM
  • CaptainDooRight awesome, thanks for the feedback bro, that is really valuable information. That's a load of my chest, it sounds like its much easier than I thought. awesome, thanks bro ;]
    March 15 04:17 AM
  • Ovrot will do
    March 15 03:36 AM
  • CaptainDooRight hey bro brief question, I'm working on releasing an ep or lp soon but it will be a self release and I was just wondering do I need to get legal approval to do that? and do you copywrite your stuff?
    March 15 02:50 AM
  • ThirtySixChambers you're one of my more reliable sources for ratings, also time-lapse consortium ftw
    March 15 02:05 AM
  • BaseballJames I enjoyed it. I need to give it a couple more listens, but it's got some really good instrumentation. Good job.
    March 8 07:48 PM
  • whywontyoudie Haven't gotten around to listening to it yet, but I'm super excited to hear your band's new album. Dug the hell out of your EP so I'm expecting to love the LP.
    March 7 04:02 AM
  • Zion Digging the hell out of the album. I'm going to be moving to Colorado within the year and will have to see you guys live.
    February 29 02:59 AM
  • bnelso55 Congratulations on the full length release! Hope to catch your band live soon!Maybe the Cervantes date in April.
    February 29 12:44 AM
  • bnelso55 Congratulations on the Soul
    February 29 12:33 AM
  • Acanthus Yeah he's one to watch for sure!
    January 29 02:41 AM
  • Acanthus Glad to help, thinking of buying his first one sometime soon - it is fun stuff.
    January 29 02:23 AM
  • Acanthus Have you checked out DAL's latest work?
    January 25 08:44 PM
  • MMX Thanks I'll check out anything with my username in it, but I get my name from War From a Harlots Mouth - MMX
    January 16 05:04 PM
  • Deviant. Yeah after you told me I went looking for it online, pretty ****in' stoked
    January 8 11:54 PM
  • Deviant. They do what now? They sent me a free promo copy of the vinyl as a thank you but there's nothing on there about me
    January 8 06:53 AM
  • cvlts nice dig
    January 4 08:25 AM
  • Deviant. He's a mixture of tech/deep house. Check out Simulat by Cosminn TRG, The Story About You by Moomin, Thora Vukk by Robag Wruhme, Asper Clouds by Christopher RauBlack Square by BNJMN and the workshop series by Kaseem Mosse
    December 30 04:46 AM
  • Winsomniac I'm not gonna say I told you so... but I told you so.
    December 8 06:09 AM
  • Inveigh awesome, glad you liked it man
    December 8 02:39 AM
  • Josh-D inorite
    December 6 04:20 PM
  • Winsomniac Eh, just get back to me in a few days. YOU'LL COME AROUND. THEY ALWAYS DO.
    December 6 05:29 AM
  • Winsomniac Agreed, but I daresay the screamed vocals on this are actually BETTER. It's incredibly dynamic, and the guy has good range and control of tempo.
    December 6 05:16 AM
  • Winsomniac It shall grow on you. Just listen to White Noise, Seven, and The Architect until it hits you. And to be fair, there's a definite tinge of deathcore in the album. It's a lot like a more accessible take on Born of Osiris.
    December 6 04:59 AM
  • Winsomniac MAYBE on Hot Damn! And how are lower register vocals owned by deathcore? I heard this one band Misery Signals was pretty not-deathcore and did quite nicely with much lower screams.
    December 6 04:14 AM
  • Winsomniac Born of Osiris IS THE PINNACLE OF SCREAMED VOCALS. TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK, DAMN YOU! Also, Seven is ****ing Godly.
    December 6 04:01 AM
  • Winsomniac How in the actual **** do you find the screams in Impulse bad?
    December 6 03:50 AM
  • Scoot just audacity dude. thanks for listening
    December 2 03:33 AM
  • Urinetrouble i live in fountain but i could prob make it up to fort collins or some s***
    November 20 09:32 PM
  • Urinetrouble dude where do you live in colorado? We should chill and smoke some time
    November 20 06:47 AM
  • pizzamachine thanks man :)
    November 14 04:16 AM
  • Deviant. cheers dude
    October 29 02:46 AM
  • Deviant. Is he headlining or?
    October 28 12:28 AM
  • Deviant. I prefer it honestly. His beats sound much more natural now, the progression doesn't sound forced anymore
    October 28 12:00 AM
  • Deviant. All dubstep is 2-step influenced. And 2-step and garage are the same thing man
    October 27 11:38 PM
  • Deviant.
    October 27 11:18 PM
  • silentpotato yee u can always count on dev recs
    October 16 07:37 AM
  • silentpotato they'll get over it, except maybe dev.
    October 16 12:10 AM
  • silentpotato yee i like your taste for the most part
    October 15 10:29 AM
  • Rev thanks man. I made it entirely with Reason 5, but I also use Live 8, but mainly for live mixing and for vsts
    September 28 04:05 AM
  • YetAnotherBrick Haha, yeah, man. Dubstep and the rest of the cornucopia of electronic music. The Propatingz remix on that Chainsaw Calligraphy album is probably one of my favorite electronic songs I've heard so far. I'm definitely not an aficionado on the genre yet, but yeah...I really love that tune.
    September 23 02:13 AM
  • YetAnotherBrick Totally agree, dude.
    September 21 02:24 AM
  • YetAnotherBrick Your soundoff for the new We Came As Romans album rules, dude. I hate it when people think that all metalcore is breakdown and autotune-laden bulls*** like WCAR and the like.
    September 20 11:30 PM
  • Spec I still love Architects though, pretty sure the entire site knows that. Their new album is more Comeback Kid esque anyways.
    September 12 12:46 AM
  • Spec I listened to some of it yeah, haven't really been in the mood for that stuff lately.
    September 10 03:29 PM
  • Spec Oh man, I'm totally going to make an overdosing/albums list.
    September 9 05:53 PM
  • Spec Actually I think Genghis Tron- Board Up The House would fit that description better.
    September 8 10:51 PM
  • Spec Check out III: Architects Of Troubled Sleep. I never thought it was possible to recreate the experience of overdosing on DXM in music form until now.
    September 8 10:48 PM
  • Spec Dude have you heard Cursed? They're ****ing rad.
    September 8 10:44 PM
  • Deviant. Go put him in then!
    August 29 04:12 AM
  • climactic yeah it sucks. anyways theres a new song on my soundcloud i just recorded if you wanna hear it (/willayt)
    August 11 10:27 PM
  • climactic thanks a lot man. your stuff is awesome, love the different types of guitar work. how much did that studio time cost? i did all my stuff in my basement with nothing but a quarter-to-eighth cable, my guitar and my computer, but if i wrote more material i'd love to get it legit recorded. i can't really afford drum mics, but i'm a drummer so a studio would be great for that. i just programmed the drums for my songs, kinda makes them sound lifeless which is annoying
    August 11 06:22 AM
  • Shrapnel94 I wouldn't say I was moved by it but you're totally capable of making something that could, keep it up
    August 2 06:44 AM
  • Shrapnel94 Well you guys definitely have something going, I'm a fan
    August 2 06:41 AM
  • FromDaHood Haha, I'd stay away from anything older than my Brokencyde review. Those all kind of suck.
    August 2 06:39 AM
  • FromDaHood I couldn't agree more. Same goes for review pos'ing: established writers get em for free because of the name attached.
    August 2 06:34 AM
  • Scoot no need to spam grasshopper one day you will get the sputnik way
    August 2 06:34 AM
  • Scoot holy s*** i was not being serious
    August 2 06:32 AM
  • FromDaHood I'd say that a big part of the site is about becoming popular and isn't just about music. That's just my opinion though.
    August 2 06:28 AM
  • Shrapnel94 Trust me dude, if people can tolerate the recording qualtiy of my ep this is definitely fine.
    August 2 06:22 AM
  • Shrapnel94 So do you have a bandcamp or something I could peep at?
    August 2 06:18 AM
  • Shrapnel94 I definitely know that it's nothing above a 3.5. I've posted it here before and a bunch of people liked it. I have some more stuff on it's way sometime soon. This is probably the last time I post my stuff on sputnik though, lol
    August 2 06:12 AM
  • Shrapnel94 I confess though that I had it as a 5 but I felt like a douche when people started pointing it out and removed it, lol. But thanks for listening anyways!
    August 2 06:04 AM
  • Shrapnel94 Surely you don't think I actually think my ep is a 5?
    August 2 05:48 AM
  • SeaAnemone ok, my bad for sounding like a dick then haha. no hard feelings
    August 2 05:41 AM
  • SeaAnemone not sure if you're being sarcastic haha but either way that's fine I guess...
    August 2 05:37 AM
  • SeaAnemone i was just poking fun for what seemed like a rather pointless list (we know those albums suck... that sort of list is kinda redundant and something first-time users get scolded for haha... telling us that Aiden and Owl City etc. suck? REALLY?!) it's nothing personal dude haha... ps why would you have listened to any of those in the first place?
    August 2 05:34 AM
  • SeaAnemone ok why'd you make it then
    August 2 05:27 AM
  • Jozh Look at my comment on your list.
    July 31 12:29 AM
  • Spec Good review, you got a POS.
    July 29 10:19 AM
  • FruityCatOfDoom intensus is actually indeed excellent. listen.
    July 28 07:53 PM
  • Brodeo65 14:Necrophagist- Onset of Putrefaction15:Sleeping Giant- Sons of Thunder16:Stick to Your Guns- The Hope Division17:Texas In July- One Reality18:This or The Apocalypse- Haunt Whats Left
    July 22 05:32 PM
  • Brodeo65 Here ya go man:1: Blind Witness- Nightmare on Providence Street2:Carpathian- Isolation3:Conducting From The Grave- When Legends Become Dust4:Confession- Cancer5:Deez Nuts- This One's For You6:Endwell- Consequences7:Enfold Darkness- Our Cursed Rapture8:The Eyes of A Traitor- A Clear Perception9:The Faceless- Planetary Duality10:Feed Her to The Sharks- The beauty of falling11:For the Fallen Dreams- Relentless12:I Declare War- Malevolence13:Machinemade God- Masked
    July 22 05:26 PM

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